While driving the other day I was reminded of something that has happened to each one of us that has a driver's license. I cop pulled up beside me in the double lane. I started watching something and this post came to my mind. The cars I had been traveling with prior to the car arriving were driving fine, but some were faster some were slower. Some didn't seem to know where exactly they were going. Some were following others closely and still others seemed to be in hurry. Yet, when Mr. Policeman showed up, somehow we all remembered the rules of the road and were polite to one another. He was not "after" anyone, just simply going from point A to point B. He stayed with our group of cars for some time. There wasn't an ounce of road rage. Quite nice actually. I then thought back to grade school, when the teacher or oh my, the principal, walked in the room or hallway, we all could remember the rules and were so nice to one another. One final example, our pastor at church. Ever notice when he walks past, how nice conversations are? No one is gossiping, or if they were, it is suddenly changed to something better? We have all been there, including policemen, pastors, teachers and principals.
I realized something that day that stuck. Why is it that those in leadership or authority make us behave differently? Why is it, that when they are around we are on our best behavior, but have them leave and all of a sudden we go back to our old ways. Is it because deep down we all know what is right, but if they can't see us, then they won't know and if they don't know, they won't find out and if they don't find out, they won't make us feel guilty?
We know the rules of the road, we know the rules of the classroom and we know the rules of the bible. Yet, if God's chosen leaders aren't watching, then surely, we can get away with it, right? WRONG, if we are saved in Jesus, then the Holy Spirit lives in us. If He lives in us, then he travels with us. Do I go places, say things and do things as if Jesus were with me? What if your pastor followed your every move for just one day? Would you act the same with your pastor as you did yesterday? If you would act differently with your pastor, why on earth would we not act differently with Jesus following us!! Remember the beginning of my post? I cop car suddenly showing up and staying with our group of cars? We all had a visual. We knew we were being watched. The same for the classroom and the church lobby.
Just because we don't see Jesus, doesn't mean He isn't watching. I am challenged to remember that. I think sometimes we convince ourselves, that no one else saw it, I must have gotten away with it. We don't confess it, because no one saw it. We can put on a smile and say all is well, but deep down inside the pain is still there. You know what, there isn't a corner of your mind or soul that you can hide from God. He sees it. We stumble and fumble and think no one knows, but He knows. It is crazy what we put ourselves through trying to impress people, excuse actions and justify things, that truth be told, if Jesus walked into the room and stood face to face, we some how would spill the whole thing. I want to encourage you this week to picture Jesus riding with you in your car. Walking into our workplaces. Standing in line at the grocery store, maybe even pushing the cart for you (being the gentleman He is, he probably would do it for you if you saw Him in person anyway). When everyone goes to bed and you are still awake, Jesus is sitting beside you while you have remote in hand, what will you choose? I could keep listing examples, you get the idea. My point is this. It does matter who is watching. Our behaviors proved that. We are different people when certain authorities are in the room or in our presence. Where will you and Jesus go this week? What type person will you be? Makes a difference I promise you. On the positive side, you will be a person you feel better being and you won't have the weight of guilt and shame on your shoulders. You will be more inclined to help others and the smile you receive will be well worth it. You will live a more freeing life. That my friend is what Christ wants for us. To live a life of freedom and not bound by the strongholds of Satan. He paid a price for your freedom, lets show him how grateful we are for that freedom.
On a side note: our actions are seen by many. Even if we don't think they care. I teach fourth grade at our church. Today, one of my students was being baptized. As we left the classroom, he looked at me with his big brown eyes and said, "are you going to be there to watch me?". I had to count the offering today, which meant that I would not be in the second service, however how could I say no. So, I made arrangements to leave the counting room and stand in the back. I told him I would try to be there, but once in the counting room, they don't want you to leave. This was important and I wanted to be there for him, yet I did feel, there will be 500+ people in the service, he won't know if I am there or not. I set my alarm on my phone and at the appropriate time I slipped out of the room, with the assistant treasurer's blessings and stood in the back. I was only there a few minutes when I saw him turn around in his seat, from the front row I might add, and waved with a big arm wave. I waved back. A smile from ear to ear was on his face. I walked down the side isle as our pastor was getting ready to introduce a song and then the service was going to begin and he was first. I worked my way to sit by his side. As I arrived, he smiled and said, "did you see me wave?" I said," I sure did". I told him I would sit beside him the entire time if he wanted. He said he did. I had to fight tears. I couldn't have been prouder. He was beaming and of all the people in the sanctuary, I was the one sitting beside him on the day he will never forget. God worked it out for this happen. I was going to just simply stand in the back and leave. But for my student, he was watching and for him, it mattered greatly that I was watching. I sometimes wonder if I am to keep teaching. I have been doing this for over 10 years. However, as I sat in my bench and watched him be obedient in Christ, I felt the Spirit whisper in my soul, "see this is why you do what you do". Yes, the Holy Spirit did the work, I am merely a servant. However, He allows us to share in the work and there isn't anything as wonderful as watching one who was at one time lost, join the fold and know they will be with me in Heaven. As I said, it has been 10 years of teaching and this Fall, I have seen three precious young ones come to Christ and tell me they want to be baptized. I have never had a student tell me this in 10 years. When you don't see fruit from your efforts, it makes you question if you are making a difference. Yet, I knew that is where I was to be, teaching fourth grade. I can't stop smiling. The fact that God allows us to join Him in this, leaves me speechless. It has been a good day! It does matter who is watching and while I don't want this post to be about legalism and feeling good behavior is what matters and that good behavior is all that God wants, I want to remind you it is about relationship. I just was reminded how that relationship should look, even when I "think" no one is watching. Don't feel guilt and shame, confess it and live in freedom. He sees it anyway and wants to take it all away, so you don't feel you need to hide from him like Adam and Eve did. If you feel guilt, have a talk with Jesus this week, He is crazy about you and loves every minute you take out of your schedule to spend with Him, He is watching and waiting.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Ducks and Geese
Fall has arrived and with it many things are happening. But there is one part of Fall, that always makes me stop what I am doing and look up. The sound of geese flying overhead. Their cry can sound lonely or stressful. But it can also sound like chatter or that maybe they are sounding the alarm for others to join them. Join them? For what? Well, you see like many of God's creatures, they know the signs to look for when the daylight gets shorter and the temperatures start to dip. It is time to move. To migrate. Now, not all the ducks and geese leave, but they certainly know the weather is changing and some do have miles and miles to travel for warmer climates while others just need to get ready for winter.
The other week as I watched them fly over, they were so much lower than usual. I could actually hear their wings flapping as they glided effortlessly through the evening sky. They were changing positions and the leader was taking a break. I am sure they do that often because the leader would have to take a break or fight the wind much more than the others that are behind. So, they need breaks. Anyway, I was thinking about blogging again and if there is a message in the geese that I could write.
Here are my thoughts. They come and go every spring and winter. I know they are coming, yet, I still look to see them. They are beautiful to watch and I actually like their honking. Their honking. Yes, it is as if they are calling out to make sure all that want to come along know they are invited. If one has stayed on the lake too long, it isn't too late. They could still join in the journey. Also, the honking signals that they are still all together as a group. It gives the others the endurance to keep flying. To keep up with the journey. I always feel sorry when you see one flying by itself and honking with no reply. I just hope they find others a few miles downstream.
Do we as Christians know the signs to look for Christ's return. We are called Christians because we are Christ followers. Do we know the signs we are to be looking for, for His return? Are we calling out to others to join us for the journey? Are we giving our leaders a break and taking our turn in helping keep the group together? There will come a day when the sky will be silent and be no more. I was reminded of a song that is playing a lot on the radio. It is by Newsboys, called "We Believe". I love the lyrics to the entire song, but the chorus gets me every time. It goes something like this:
We believe in God the Father
We believe in Jesus Christ
We believe in the Holy Spirit
And He has given us new life
We believe in the crucifixion
We believe that He conquered death
We believe in the resurrection
And He's comin' back again
Here is my challenge for both you and myself. If we believe those things listed and as followers of Christ we should, where is room for fear or being left behind? Fear of any kind? If we have new life, if death has been conquered and resurrection has happened and He is coming back for us, what is there to fear? Yet, we live in fear don't we at times? Do we realize that this world will end, whether we see the warnings or not.
If I turn on the news, I am at times overwhelmed. I am glad to be informed but so much is out of my control. Wars continue and people hate other people- people they don't even know and health concerns. We fear others won't like us if we show the real deal in public. We fear we can't handle a job or task because we have never done it before. We fall for Satan's lies and we feel we aren't good enough. We fear we will miss the mark. We read scripture and get confused. End time events are overwhelming. I don't understand them all. I can't tell you for certain the exact order of all events and who will be where or who will see what. But I can tell you, I believe in God the Father, I believe in Jesus Christ and I believe in the Holy Spirit and that is where I rest my fear and worry. They are still following the original plan they had when the Earth was spoken into existence. Yes, we have free will and yes there have been twists and turns with mankind, but not one thing is a surprise to God. When I get a bit anxious, I repeat that chorus to myself. Sometimes out loud. You see, that is all we really need. Because if we believe that, then the Holy Spirit lives in us and the Holy Spirit has conquered death and has given me new life. He that is in me, is greater than he that is in this world. If you can't say with confidence that you believe those things listed in the above chorus, then I ask you to please seek someone out who can share with you the message of Jesus. The world tries to complicate it. But all God ever asked, was for us to believe in his Son and believe that he paid the price for our sins. To ask for forgiveness of those sins and to trust in Him. He never asked us to walk this path alone, but somehow, we think we must.
Lets look around us and be like the geese, giving out a call for those searching and wondering. Those waiting for someone to call them to join them on this journey. We as followers know some of the signs that scriptures tells us to look for. I know every generation could say those things were happening in their time frame, but we are getting closer and closer. I am amazed at the number of books and movies being written by the secular world about end days. It is coming. Whether you are ready or not, it is happening. Are you ready? He is calling you to his side. If he already has called you and you accepted please tell others so they too can join us.
One final request. When you read this, our daughters will be getting ready to fly to Africa. I can't type all the details, but I ask you to pray for them to have safety and a fruitful trip. The world is dark all over, here as well as there. I read the same newspapers you do and I hear the same updates on the television, but they are in God's hands and God's plans. He has given my husband and I peace. The world would have me pacing the floor, but with God, I have slept every night in peace.
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