Friday, April 19, 2013

Grow Where You Have Been Planted

While on a recent walk, I spotted many tiny plants growing among the rocks and unusual places. Some were right between tree roots, others were right against the tree bark. At first it seemed like such a waste of time and energy. How can anything grow in that tight space? But then what has started to happen more and more since I have chosen to write this blog, God took me to a deeper level. I am learning to hear His voice more and more. I desire the same for you. Once this starts to happen, you don't want it to ever end. You see, He has been talking all along, I have only recently started to "really" listen.

Okay, back to my plants. When the plants and trees release their seeds, there are thousands and they land in all different places. Some land in the perfect soil, with lots of sun light and underground springs. Some, land on the dry soil, but the wind keeps blowing them and they don't have a chance to even take root. Then there are a few that land in the creases of the tree roots or crevices of the rocks. They don't have a brain to reason, but they do have the means to start growing regardless of where they have been "planted". They don't need much to grow. Grow they do, some will even produce a flower. I had to take pictures to better show what I am describing.

How about us? Do we all have the perfect life to grow and thrive? Do we have perfect health and energy to do all we want?Or are you busy with other things, so time with God, doing devotions, and reading scripture will need to wait for when you have more quality time or when the conditions are more perfect... What about your relationships with other people, do we spend time with our friends and invest in their lives or do we wait for better conditions. When work isn't so crazy and we have the perfect amount of time to do those things. Friends, that day will never come. You will never have enough money, time, space, etc. We always will look for something else. We need to start growing where we have been planted. God will take care of the details. Life goes by so quickly and before long, we realize it has been months since we really sat down and spent time with God. Really spent time in His Word, or with this Creation, whether it be the people He placed in our lives to help us, encourage us, or make life's journey a bit easier, or the nature He created for our enjoyment. If we wait until we think the condition is perfect, it will never happen.There is a saying, "bloom where you are planted". I have always liked that phrase. Don't compare yourself with what others have, do what you were purposed for, right where you are. However, today, the word I keep sensing from God is GROW. Am I growing? Am I any different in my spiritual understanding than I was a year ago? Am I growing in my faith and level of trust in Him? When we pray to God asking for various things, and I mean good things, not a wish list, but things like, courage, faith, healing, protection, discernment, etc. are we then trusting Him with it, or are we merely just asking and hoping? We need to trust Him in ALL things. Scripture tells us it only takes faith the size of a mustard seed. Have you ever seen a mustard seed? Just as these plants/weeds reminded me, they don't need much to start growing and for some even producing a bloom, to thrive. God also reminded me, He doesn't need me to be perfect or in a perfect place to start GROWING in my relationship with Him. He will provide the tools I need to grow. I don't want to just bloom, I want to be growing and making a difference. You may feel you don't have the time, your past life experiences may shame you, you may feel your small patch won't make a difference, but it will. If you trust Him, and ask Him to be your Lord, He will come upon you and even give you a gift. He will give you the Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit that makes up the Trinity. With the power of the Holy Spirit nothing is impossible, no matter what you think your circumstances are. Please start GROWING where you have been planted. Don't look where others have been planted, it doesn't matter. God knows why he gave you the "soil" He did. You may have wonderful soil (generations of your family have been Christians and you have their support), maybe you have rocky soil (you are a first generation Christian and feel very alone and at times, your family discourages you) or maybe you feel like the winds keep blowing and you never really get a chance to stop and settle into a time with God or His plan for you. You feel like he moves you place to place.  Your plan is not my plan nor your neighbors plan. It is your plan. Catered just for you, by the Master Gardener, who never makes mistakes. Who knows, before long you may be having roots so deep in Him, that nothing will shake you. The plants that grow against the tree, I am sure they don't feel the winds when they blow. God protects us, just as the tree protects the plants. However, we need to trust Him and be willing. Trusting Him, doesn't mean we get what we ask for or even want, it means we trust His way is best, no matter what that is.

Are you willing to grow where you have been planted? Remember it may not look perfect to you, but if you start trusting and trying you will be surprise a year from now, how much you have grown. 

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