Thursday, July 4, 2013

What a Rainbow Means to Me

 This picture was taken last year at our home. The colors were so bright and it looked like if I walked to my neighbor's house I could touch it!

This past week has brought much rain and a few rainbows. One night this week, while driving, I noticed a rainbow across the pasture and stopped for a while and gazed at it. I didn't have my camera with me or I would have posted pictures from it. That is why I needed to use last year's pictures. But it was very similar to this one.

While I continued down the road I realized people were pulling over and pointing. I saw people coming out of restaurants and watching and pointing. I began to wonder, "why do we do that?" We see a rainbow and time seems to stop, it seems to take our breath away. It certainly isn't because it is the first and last one we will ever see. Does everyone who looks at rainbows know why they appear? I don't mean scientifically, I mean, do they believe in God and know that it is a reminder of the promise He made to Noah all those years ago? Is it something in all of us, that whether we believe or not, we know that only our Creator could create that and we need to just stand in awe of what He has done? If we stand in awe of what He has done, what will we do when we see Him face to face! The more I processed this thought, the more I came to the realization, not only does a rainbow remind me that He will never destroy the earth again with a flood, but that God keeps His promises. I like to think, that when we see a rainbow, yes, the moisture shining through the sun's rays causes the spectrum of light, but that it is God's way of reminding His creation, I AM a promise keeper. God's Word, is full of promises. He will never leave us or forsake us, He will never give us more than we can handle, He will give eternal life to anyone who believes in His Son and asks for forgiveness. He wipes our sins as far as the East is from the West, He promises to watch over us. I could go on and on. But I just simply had to smile on my drive home, even though I didn't have my camera to take pictures, because you know what, God is a promise keeper. I don't have to worry He will take back what He said. I don't worry that He will one day say, "I changed my mind, my Word, doesn't apply to you". What promises do you need to hear Him whisper in your ear this week? You are beautiful and I created you just as I wanted you to be, You are precious in my sight, I died for you, I desire fellowship with you or  I love you for who you are on the inside and I don't care what others think of you. Only you know what is heavy on your heart today, but I promise, He is watching and waiting to help you and encourage you. Have you asked for His help? Have you looked at His promises lately? Remember, He is a promise keeper and each time the storm comes and the sun begins to shine, He reminds us, I am still keeping my promise, are you?

If you look closely, you will see this is double-rainbow. Did you know that on the second rainbow the colors are in reverse order of the first. Another special touch by the Master. I challenge you this week to look at some of the promises He has recorded in His Word. Also, if you see a rainbow this week or in the week's to come, take time to point, stand in awe and thank Him for keeping His promises. He is worthy of our praise regardless of life's situations!

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