Friday, October 25, 2013

Are We Thankful for the Normal Stuff?

For the most part, this week has been a "normal" week for me. I had a busy last 24 hours, but the past week has been fairly normal. I have been able to take many walks this week, sometimes two a day. October is my favorite month and I love the colors of Fall. On my walks, I have been processing what this week should be about in my post. As I pondered and I walked, a common theme came to me. Am I thankful for the normal things, the day to day things? I spend time thanking God for my family, my home, blessings in my life, etc. However, am I grateful for the smaller things. I thought back over my previous day. I got up at my usual time, I took a hot shower, I put a load of laundry in the washer, made a cup of hot tea to go with my breakfast. I checked messages on my phone, emails, and even got the mail from the mailbox. I went for groceries, got my whole list checked off. Cut the grass and trimmed back some flowers since colder weather was coming. I even talked to a few people on the phone. I was able to chat with my daughter who is on a missions trip halfway around the world and spent part of my evening with our other daughter. I sat on the porch and played Frisbee with pup and even spent some time with the cats. (they still need attention). I made dinner and put the dishes in the dishwasher and folded laundry. I also even curled up in a nice warm blanket and watched some TV to end my day.

If you are still are wondering why you should care and sorta boring? You don't need to care. But as I thought about my weekly, daily stuff, I take so much for granted. I assume each morning when I get up after sleeping on a soft mattress with flannel sheets, that hot water will be available to shower, have a cup of  tea, do laundry and wash dishes. I assume that the Internet will be working and I can keep up to date with incoming and outgoing messages. When I went to the store, I didn't make my list from what was available, but rather, what I wanted and needed for our household. I assumed the car would start and keep running as I did my errands. My daughter is away and I miss her, but knowing we can chat and see how well she is doing makes me feel so much better. I miss her, but she is old enough to be doing this and I am not near as worried(if at all) as I am excited and happy for her. I have a riding mower to sit on while the grass gets cut and I listen to my favorite songs on my iPod. I have a yard for my family and dog to play in. I have a home that is clean and warm. I have a selection of blankets to wrap in. Last night, was the first really cold night of the season, and it is going to get so much colder, but as I do every time this happens, I think of the homeless people in my own neighborhood. How cold they must feel on nights like last night. I assume the electric running through the house will turn on light bulbs, heat up ovens, and keep the appliances working.

Do I take time to thank God for the "gifts/blessings" in my life? For providing the income to afford these items? Do I feel entitled or owed them? This is what really sealed the deal for me. I am having upcoming surgery soon and had to get some tests done to make sure the doctor was right in his diagnosis. I needed a CT Scan.While waiting in the office to be called back, I saw a sweet lady who was waiting for her husband. I could tell from the moment my eyes met hers, she was worried and sad. His cancer had returned. They were an older couple. Had to be married 60+ years. She had to wait out in the room because of the radiation. I felt very compelled to ask her why she was there and if she was okay. She began to share with me that they had to try two times to come to the office because he was sick in the stomach and they had an hour drive. I assumed from her words, she didn't drive anymore or she never had. They turned around and rescheduled for later in the afternoon, that is how I could meet her. She also shared how in her senior years she has started allergies, very similar to mine. She seemed a little mixed up, so I am confused about it just being allergies, but if I am that good at her age, great! She had breathing issues too, which I suspect is more than just an allergy. We use the same inhalers for asthma. She said their home is surrounded by fields and all the dust blows and makes life outside difficult. She never once complained. I told her I was there for tests as well. I told her, that when I prayed for my allergies I would pray for hers and for her husband. She had to be 80 years old. Her face lit up when I mentioned prayer. We had a common bond and she seemed so relieved. I did too. I am guessing we will meet again on the other side.

As I walked to my car, the sun shining, and Fall leaves blowing, I thought to myself, depending how my results come back, I could be in her shoes in an instant. My normal could be taken away. Do I appreciate all the little details God does for me every day? Do I appreciate the normal when it comes? We tend to talk about the stresses and life changers, but we don't say thanks for the assumed. Are we grateful to have a normal day some would call boring? I know our paths were to cross. You see, I asked God to help me to not have to wait long, because anxiety creeps in for me with my history of hospitals. I was feeling anxious about having to wait and I hate waiting rooms in a hospital setting, but she helped me talk about stuff and our time went quickly. She helped me realize just how quickly the normal can be taken away and we learn a "new" normal. I know I helped pass her time and reassure her about some of her allergy symptoms. I don't think she felt quite as alone. She was hopeful about the cancer treatment and felt her husband would be fine. They were getting a checkup to see if things had improved. I pray they did. I also smiled at God as I turned the key of my car. I had prayed I wouldn't have to wait. I had to wait, I just had a visitor to help pass the time. :)

Something happened this past month that have stuck with me, I want to share with you. The geese are starting to fly overhead each evening. The other week, a lone goose kept flying back and forth, calling out for its mate. Not sure why or what happened to it. Anyway, after 30 minutes of it, I could stand it no longer. I wanted to wave it down and let it rest safely in the hen house till morning, but knew that would never happen. You see at night, it would be hard to stay alive by ones self unless on the middle of the pond. I said a very quick prayer. "Lord, you created that goose and you know where its mate is. Please protect it this evening and help it find a new flock or its mate". Seconds later, again it came. All alone. I hung my head to go inside for the night. I was finished outside for the evening. That's when I heard it. A sound I have learned to love this time of year. A whole team of them. At least 12-15 came flying overhead. They were catching up to it. Being the animal lover I am, I simply bowed my head and thanked the Creator for the love of animals in my heart and that for this night, that goose would not be alone. I waited a few extra minutes, it was now dark, but the sky grew quiet and I knew they had met up for sure. God hears our prayers. He answers them as He sees fit. He could have left that goose alone and I would have still believed that, however, that night I know He was smiling with me. For you see, I couldn't see the other flock coming, I could only see what was in front of me. He knew they were coming and He got to watch it all unfold before my eyes. Trust Him with the details. I once heard said. "Life is like a parade. We only see a small piece of it, that is right before our eyes, but God sees it from beginning to end."

Take time to look around you at all the things He provides for you. I feel we are asked to be grateful in ALL things and you can start by thanking Him today. What if your "normal" all changed tomorrow. Would you miss it? If so, thank Him today. He may still have changes ahead, and we need to accept change, but we still need to be grateful for the day to day stuff He provides. I shared the geese story, because I think of that as a small prayer from my heart based on a love He planted 43 years ago. I am waiting on some answered prayers that I will keep praying until I hear, but when He immediately answers the small prayers I am reminded that He is still working on the prayers and now is not the time. So, while I can think He forgot, He says, I have not. He hears me when I pray. Some are instant answers and some are not now.

**On a side note, my tests went well and my diagnosis was confirmed. I will be having sinus surgery in two weeks. I am not sure how blogging will go. I am told it is a six week recovery, but week one seems the most challenging. so time will tell. If He gives me thoughts and the ability, I will type away. If He gives me a time of rest, I will be back shortly. Very common surgery, but would appreciate your prayers for my surgeon(steady hands), my family and for a speedy recovery!


  1. we have already put you on our prayer list for the surgery and praying that your daughter will come back to you filled with wonderful experiences and safe. Love the blog. God bless you and your family.


    1. Thanks Ruthie! My daughter is home safe and sound. She had a fabulous experience and loved every minute! Thanks for your prayers as well, I feel them as my surgery is quickly approaching. All will go just fine.

  2. Sue, you bless my heart every time I read your blog. God has truly blessed you with a unique way of writing what he puts in your heart. Your thoughts today were just what I needed - a reminder that God is listening, and does answer prayer. Maybe now in our time frame, but he will answer. I will be praying for you, that the surgery and healing will go well. Blessings! Anna

    1. Anna - Thank you for your kind words and I am so glad you are enjoying the blog. I do feel blessed. I give Him all praise and glory for what He has done and continues to do. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts, they mean much!
