Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Many Colors of Fall

This week is a photo post. I had posted some Fall pictures earlier and most of them were from my files. The pictures I am posting today I took about two weeks ago. I can't get enough of the yellows, oranges, reds, and browns. Each Season has its trademark color, but Fall is my favorite. I hope you enjoy them, but I hope even more, you take time to thank our LORD and Savior for all He created for our enjoyment.

I want to leave you with this verse found in Romans.
"For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God." ~Romans 1:20

Happy Thanksgiving 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Kicking and Spitting

I have spoken of her before. She showed up on our porch last Fall. She had the greenest eyes I had ever seen. She almost never meows, but sits quietly and waits. By far, the best mother cat I have ever witnessed. She protects them to the point she would literally die for them. She spends hours looking for birds and mice. She has different cries to teach them when it is safe to come out of hiding, when its time to eat, or if they need to follow her. She has the best hiding spots too. She has raised three batches this past year. I marvel at how one minute she is purring and licking them and then the next claws are out. She has one flaw though, she hates people and I am the only one she trusts. She has been here a year and only recently has left me hold her. Mind you for a few seconds, but held her I did.

Last week, she followed Maggie and I on one of our walks. She had done this in the past, but this night was different. We went right instead of left, and not 20 minutes but an hour. At first she kept up. I felt bad because it took several steps for her to my one step not to mention Maggie's leaps! The grass was still wet and there were sections of mud. Water and mud make Maggie thrilled, Patches not so much. She left me pick her up. Within seconds she started the hissing , scratching, and growling. I held her tight. She then did a strange thing, she tucked her head in my arm and relaxed. If she didn't look where we were going, she was fine. As soon as she lifted her head, she panicked.

As I walked along, I had this thought come over me. Does it remind you of anyone? Me. No, not me. Yes, you. And then a picture came to mind. How many times do I go out on my own and do things well? I tag along and see what will happen. I don't pray about it or even consider I might get in a mess. Then all of a sudden, I am tired, scared, confused and frustrated. No one seems to understand. Yet, there He is waiting. He leans over and picks me up. Do I thank Him? No, I kick, spit, fuss, complain and look ungrateful. Now, I don't physically do those things, but my words and thoughts do. I even try and get others to see it my way. When all along all I have to do is, surrender to Him my concerns, fears and worries. He doesn't love me any less and you know what, He sees the road ahead and realizes it  will have some muddy spots. I am not going to like some of the things coming my way, so instead of changing the way, He lifts me up and gives me peace, strength and courage. Some parts I can walk through myself, others, I need Him to carry me.

She didn't realize that the walk would be so long. She didn't know it would be muddy and wet. She didn't like that her only two options were to keep going or surrender to being held. I held on tightly and talked softly in her ear. She finally realized I was helping her and not harming her. The growling finally stopped, the claws retracted, and you know what? If I went a bit longer, I think she may have fallen asleep in my arms. As we got closer to the barn and I put her down, I was reminded that God loves to care for me, just as I loved carrying Patches. I knew she wouldn't make it.She was exhausted.  I knew she hated the mud. I knew she didn't trust me. Yet, once she finally did and got so relaxed, I thought, is that how God feels when I finally stop fussing, stop complaining, stop whining, and just trust. I think so. Sometimes He holds on tightly and whispers in our ears, that it will be okay.  I don't know for sure why she came to our home or why she was dropped off, but she has taught me many things and that my friend, may be the very reason she is here, because yes, God will use anything to get His point across.

**Surgery update: THANK YOU for the many prayers on my behalf. I am healing well and I head to the surgeon's office tomorrow to get things "flushed" out. Not sure how that will happen, but trust that I will feel even better afterwards.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


We are in the midst of Fall, yet we can start to feel a change in the air that winter is coming. The mornings and evenings are cool, but the days remind us of summer.  We all have our favorites. And for some of us, we pick a climate to live in that never really changes. I enjoy the four seasons. I have my favorites, but like the changes and uniqueness they all bring.

While looking at the bright colors of Fall and almost a showing off of color as they are getting ready to go dormant for a bit, I also asked the Lord to show me this week's post. I kept processing the word "seasons". We say there will be seasons in life, I am in the winter season of my life, this will last for a season. Even Solomon wrote about a season for this and season for that.

I thought about my spiritual journey or my walk with Christ. I began to reflect on my journey so far, and realized that at times I am in the spring or sometimes in the winter. I am thankful He mixes things up a bit and it never stays the same. I will try to explain:

Spring would be the times when you have new beginnings, new challenges, new assignments. Or maybe you start a new bible study and you are learning so much all at one time. We are excited and pay more attention for the next step or things seem to jump off the page more when we study. We can't wait to dive in and help at church or in our neighborhood. You have a renewed strength and you are ready for, dare I say, almost anything.

Summer would be the times when you are in a pattern. Things are running smoothly. You  know your responsibilities and what you are to be doing. You are still excited and you are really enjoying what your doing. You share with others and you do your best. It is a time where you don't feel confused about your purpose in life and you most likely feel close and comfortable to God. You see His hand and trust His leading without having to pray about it and make sure you are hearing from Him and not just wondering if it is your own personal choice. You are comfy.

Fall would be those times when you are in a good place with serving Him. You know what direction you are to take. The activities in your life and priorities match what you feel called to do. Life is moving along well for the most part, you don't question or look deeper into whether you should pursue other things or try something new. More like Summer, but then every now and then you hear a sermon, read an article, run into someone and you feel a change coming and you can't put your finger on it. It isn't that you aren't happy, it is just that things are starting to feel a bit routine and you could some days use a break. You are starting to feel burned out so to speak.

Winter would be the times when you are feeling a break is needed. A time to curl up and reflect on where you are going and what you are doing. A time to spend with God and making sure that you are where He wants you and not where you want to be. Each season should be spent with God, but a more searching and reflecting time. I think many people just keep doing what they know to do and don't ever consider change, because of what change can bring. God has many plans for us. He gives us spiritual gifts as well. Some of us have many, while others a few or only one. That one is huge. He may cause us to move around to different places or responsibilities because our gift(s) are needed. How sad if we stay in the same place and don't use our gifts other places as He leads. He will find someone else who is willing to get the "job" done, but we are the ones who miss out on the experience and the blessing.

Think about the seasons.

Spring is nature's time of bursting forth with color and new life.

Summer is a time when all creation is in its prime.

Fall is a time when crops are harvested for the last and things start to slow, yet we are busy. The mornings and evenings are cool and we have a slower start to our day and end a bit earlier than Summer, but it is very similar to Summer.

Then we have Winter. Those are the months we tend to stay inside and curl up with a pile of books we have been waiting to read or dvd's to watch. We also get caught up on inside projects. We tend to be  more tired and less productive. Also, the Earth experiences different seasons at different times. When we in the US have summer, half way around the world they are having winter!

I want to close with this thought. We will all experience different seasons at different times. Some seasons last for years and some for months. My season will not be your season. If we all had the "winter" at the same time, no work would get done. If we all had Summer, we would be so busy we wouldn't take time for one another. I am thankful for the seasons in my life. I find they are repeated. I am currently in winter. God has given me this year to have a break so to speak. I am still in bible study, I am still writing my blog, but my other responsibilities are on hold right now. Not because I am tired, not doing them well, or that I need a change. I needed a break and I wanted to be more available to my family as our daughters finish high school.Being a mom and being available is still a way of serving Him. But I have said no to other choices so I can focus more on this phase of my life. I want to be clear: No matter what season you are in, you are still serving, praising, and worshiping. That is what we were created for and to do, but there are times we are doing those things in addition to other things.  God has opened and closed doors to make this happen. I am happy to be in the winter season, however, I look forward to the day, when He starts opening the windows to Spring, I feel the breeze change and I start the next season.

What Season are you in?