Friday, February 21, 2014

A mystic fog

Today's weather was very strange. We had fog so thick I couldn't see past the driveway. Then we had times when it blew like clouds passing by while on an airplane, then the grand finale was a thunderstorm. Not sure when I last saw so much snow on the ground and still was able to see the lightening that I have come to love in the summer along with the thunder. While the fog rolled in and out and at times got extremely hard to see, I took my camera out. As my pictures show at times it looks mysterious and almost magical. Then at others it is so dense you can't see in front of you. 

A story from the bible came to mind as I walked and I have struggled all day with the fact that it maybe only makes sense to me. Yet, I have come to understand these thoughts and my need to share them. I will give it my best shot, but I know that the Lord will bless my words as He sees fit. Please stick with me on this one. 

Same pose, just thicker fog.

As this pictures shows, it was very hard to see. I could only see a glimpse of this rather large tree. The story I kept thinking about doesn't really have to do with fog, but it does have to do with not seeing the entire picture clearly. It is a very small story and if in a hurry you would miss it. Many of you may not remember it, until after today. However, when I first heard this story when I was younger,  I remember it was one of those corner stones God used to show me His unlimited abilities.

2 Kings 6: 8-23 is the full story. I will summarize and give a few key verses today. Sorry if this makes it longer, but you need to understand the setting. The Israelites (God's chosen people), were once again facing a battle with a neighboring nation. If you are new to God's Word, this is an ongoing battle for them. They fight one nation only to fight another. This in fact is part of their doings. They would rebel from God and things happened as a result of their actions. That is for another day. Just want you to know, they were used to this way of life. As much as one can get used to it. Now, God never left them during these times and even gave them a prophet by the name of Elisha to help them. God would speak to Elisha and he would relay the messages. Elisha had a servant that assisted him. On this particular day, word had gotten out to a neighboring king where Elisha and his servant were and they wanted to kill them. They were tired of Elisha always warning the Israelites ahead of time. However, they didn't realize it was God they were fighting. They really believed they could get Elisha and his servant. They sent out an entire army. When the servant awoke in the morning, he was struck by fear with the army that surrounded him. Mind you, he saw the hand of God in the life of Elisha, saw all that God was capable to do, yet, once his eyes fell on the army, fear replaced that faith. (sound like someone else). God can do wonderful things in our life. We praise Him. Then not 24 hours later a crisis arises and we are fearful. We doubt He can do this one. Okay, that is another day's lesson. My point is this. Elisha steps out and sees the same thing the servant sees. But is calm, cool, and collected. To the point he asks God to open his servants see as Elisha sees. Elisha could have talked big and made the young man believe the words he had to say, but instead Elisha wanted the young man to see just as he saw.

Verses: 16-17 NLT -  "Don't be afraid! Elisha told him. "For there are more on our side than on theirs!" Then Elisha prayed, "O LORD open his eyes and let him see!"The LORD, opened the young man's eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire.

Can't you just see that poor young man with jaw dropped. Then the shame that was sure to follow for ever doubting God. Can you imagine the hillside! I picture them on strong horses that are pawing at the dirt just waiting for their masters to give the go ahead, the chariots they pull flaming with fire and spears longer and stronger than anything man could ever make, swords drawn and waiting. The battle isn't about their victory, but about obeying the One that sent them. They are at His service. They don't question, talk back or give suggestions. They sweep in, get done with is expected and then return waiting for the next set of directions. That kind of army. The kind that you as the enemy know you have lost before it ever had a chance to begin. That is the kind of army at Elisha's side. And dare I say, our side?

I can't stop smiling at that! I remember when I first read it. You see, we think we see it all. We think we are surrounded by the enemy. We think this is the one battle God will have us fight ourselves for He has more important things to do today. We think these battles are of this world, flesh/blood. My dear friend, we couldn't be more wrong. The battles you and I face each day are not of this world. They are of the spiritual world that is ranging on and on, without our knowing the details. We are even given battle material for such times. That will be another post, today's has gotten long enough. Yes, we have battles here, but it is a result of a fallen world. This is Satan's time to "win people to his side". There will be a battle one day, bigger than anything this world has seen. We are told who the victor is! He will come riding on a white horse. He will be wearing a pure white linen robe! His army is assembled and waiting to go at His command. Can you feel the excitement. I wish I could have that in my blog for you! You see, we think we know the details. We think what we see is all there is to see, but God is covering/blinding our eyes from seeing just as the servant's eyes were covered. Elisha knew the very second he looked on the hillside, that God's army had way out numbered the king's army. Because it had been some time since I read this account, I was thinking that fog was used to hide the army, but I realized today that is was God hiding them. You can read the rest of the verses to see how this fascinating story ends. God is good. All the time. Makes me curious what other things Elisha saw that was not recorded.

So, if you feel right now that this is the battle you need to fight alone, don't look at the fog and confusion in front of you. No matter how you strain your eyes to see through the fog, you simply can't. Look at what lays beyond the fog. The things we see by faith and not sight. Your battle maybe debt, joblessness, your health, your spouse, your children, or a long list of addictions that Satan loves to through in our laps. Look on the hillside. His army is waiting. The fog will one day lift. The truth will be open to all the world. As the skies cleared after the thunderstorm today, I simply smiled for see, today I was reminded that I see but for a short time and one day soon, all will be made right.

There will be foggy days, there will be thunderstorms, but then there will also be peaceful days. Days that the sun shines and warms us to the core. I am not sure what type day you are having, but I pray a peaceful one is on the way, filled with the Son. May we be like Elisha and come along side those that need reminding, "For there are more on our side, than on theirs!".

Please remember, just because you can't see Him in the fog, doesn't mean He isn't there. He is closer than you think...matter of fact, you could pray for Him to open your eyes and you will be amazed at what He will show you.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Will You be My Valentine?

Today is Valentine's Day. A day we remember those in our lives that we love. Today, I am always reminded of those who are single, alone, divorced, a widow or a widower, or their loved one is serving in our military and they can't be together. I have fond memories on Valentine's Day as a kid. I remember making hearts in school and being able to fold a simple piece of paper and cutting out a heart shape. I remember the candy that was exchanged and having to write all the kids names from my class on each one and making sure no one's name was missed. I remember taking a shoe box to school and making it into a mailbox for all the Valentine's I would receive. Then in middle school you had candy grams and in high school you had candy grams, as well as, singing telegrams. It has become quite a big deal and not to mention a huge day for flowers. 

This part may surprise you after reading all that. I never really cared for Valentine's day. I still don't. I am not bitter or angry at it. I didn't have a bad experience. I simply feel that we shouldn't have to have a day on the calendar to tell those we love, that we love them. I hope those in my life know that each day. Now, that doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy making a special dinner for my hubby tonight and a chocolate cake dessert that my family has come to expect each year. I am looking forward to it very much. It just seems that we get so caught up on the day. You almost feel like there is something wrong with you, if you didn't get flowers, candy and a card from someone. Charlie Brown sure did. Every year, he goes to the mailbox, nothing. Snoopy, his dog, more than he can carry. If you are single or alone this year, it is a very hard day. You can't wait for the sun to set and it be over. You are reminded that you are alone. You don't have someone in your life to tell you how special you are or how important you are to them. Or do you? Do we?

We have a Valentine that will be with us forever. He signed our Valentine with ink that will never fade or lose it's worth. He signed it in his blood. Years ago, I saw this verse written just the way I am sending it in my blog and I never forgot it.

"For God so loVed the world
        That He gAve
              His onLy
                          That whosoever
           Believeth In Him
            Should Not perish,
         But have Everlasting life."
                                               John 3:16

So, if this Valentine's Day finds you alone and sad, may these words warm your heart. If this day makes you miss those that were in your life and now they are no longer there, whether through life's changes or death, please know that Jesus loves you. He is crazy about you. He never forgets you. He left the pleasures of Heaven to come to the lowest of lows to be with you and meet you. I firmly believe He puts people in our lives to love us, hold us, hug us and be there for us physically until that day comes when He can do it in person. When He had His arms stretched out on the cross you were on His mind. He opens them wide for you and me. He wants to be your "Valentine" so to speak. He loves you and never forgets you. He will always be there for you and He gives the best gifts. Everlasting life and complete forgiveness. I hope this finds you enjoying Valentine's Day and feeling very loved, because you are. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

But Sunday is a Comin'

It has been a cold, windy, snowy, icy winter, hasn't it? I am in the minority, I believe, but I love snow. I am not tired of it yet. I actually hope we get a bit more. I took some pictures yesterday from the ice storm. 

As I walked with my camera and looked at all the snow still on the ground and heard the limbs creaking as the wind blew and the sun started to thaw the ice it was actually a peaceful sound to my ears. I was dressed warm and I lost track of time. Seems to happen when I am in His creation. I sometimes wonder if that is why in Heaven we won't keep track of time, it is eternity after all, but maybe we won't be aware of time, because when we are with Him, we lose all track of it anyway. Now, I said I love snow, which is true. However, I am starting to look forward to flip-flops, shorts and the warm sun on my face. I can't wait to turn the dirt over and plant our garden. However, that is another season and while in winter, I will enjoy winter. I am reminded that winter isn't going to be here forever. In a few short weeks, we will see signs of Spring. This morning while asking the Lord, what this week's post should be, I felt the Spirit remind me of last year's Good Friday service. Good Friday is filled with many emotions for me. I am sadden that Jesus had to suffer and die for me and you, yet I am glad that He did, so that I can be with Him now and forever. The message was more on the crucifixion part, so a heaviness was in the air, until the video clip was shown that reminded us, BUT, Sunday is a comin'. You see, we can't focus on Friday, we certainly need to honor it and be forever grateful, but the story doesn't end Friday, if it did, Satan won. We need to remember that on Sunday (Easter morning), He arose from the dead!!

This is the connection I want to make and encourage you this week. Winter is here. Looks like it will be for while, yet remember Spring is coming. Sometimes life can feel like a long, cold, windy, icy season. Dare we say even forgotten by God at times? We get through one storm to only have one bigger and nastier storm coming our way. Or maybe we hide under the layers we have put down to not let people see the real you, like blankets of snow. Winter isn't all bad. There is great beauty in snow. I love the crisp white and the sound the snow makes under my boots as I walk. I love the magical slopes as the winds blow and make beautiful drifts. Kids never tire playing it and think of all the snowmen that have been built this past week!

I am including some pictures from last year to remind you of the color and life that is working hard underground right now to prepare a gorgeous slide show for you and I. We will soon be turning on air conditioners and complaining of the heat. It is coming. I promise. But don't get so caught up on the winter season of your life that you can't look ahead with hope. You may find that you feel all alone in your situation. You may feel no one else will understand. You may feel like God is allowing things to pile up in your life, just like the snow keeps piling up. But just as the ground is busy preparing for Spring, so is God. He is busy working out all the details of your life. He is getting ready for Sunday. The day the clouds will roll back, and His Son, Jesus, will descend and take us home. Life isn't fair. Some people seem to have more to handle than others. Does that make us better if we have less? NO! It means we need to walk along side those that we can help. If we have a lot does that mean we are being punished? No, I recently read that maybe it is because He trusts you with this situation and knows that you will glorify Him in the end. Think of Job. No matter what Satan sent his way, he never cursed God. He stood true to what he believed and God blessed him in the end. Enjoy these pictures. I felt warmer just looking through them. I was encouraged to be reminded that in a few weeks, I will be cutting grass, flowers, and getting fresh goodies from my garden. You will too! Also, the trials you and I are walking through now will only be for a time. Sunday is a comin'. Are you ready? Only those that have accepted the Son will spend time with Him. Those who haven't chosen Him, will not.

Same bird box, just a few months apart. Notice the green grass in the background.

See now, after looking at what is coming don't you feel like you can handle just a bit more winter. If you need reminders of what is to come in our future, take time to open that Bible that has been sitting there waiting and look up a few verses of what is to come! You will be encouraged and excited to see what all He has in store for and I!

**A side note: I can hardly believe that it is a year I started my blog. I stepped out in faith and I have been blessed in ways I could have never imagined. I don't know how long it will last. I don't know how many people really care, but as I have said before, as long as He places thoughts on my heart, I will type away. Thank you for reading! My prayer is that you are seeing the Creator of life in new and amazing ways. I pray you know His Son and I pray that if you are on the fence you will jump over it and run to His arms. He is waiting, but none of us know for how much longer He will wait.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

What are ya, chicken?

I am sure all of us can remember hearing or saying this phrase as a youngster. Did you ever think about where that phrase may have come from? As a proud owner of chickens for the past few years, I have come to learn so much about these crazy birds. I never thought they could become like pets. I never thought I would actually have favorites and I never thought I would care so much about a bird. I am not as close to them as a dog , but I do find that I am trying my best to keep them safe, warm and well-fed. I enjoy gathering their eggs each day and they seem "happy" to see me. They have come to know my voice and are much less scared when I come in the hen house as opposed to someone from my family. They hear me on the steps before they see me. So until I speak or until I reach the top, they don't know who or what is coming.

In the past few years, I can honestly say, I have not a found a more scared creature. If their water jug gets knocked over, (by them!!!!), they will all stand on the other side of the room until I come to rescue them. If a door bangs or something downstairs drops, they run. If one runs, they all run. It doesn't matter the reason. If I change their shavings in the nesting boxes, they have to really check it all out before they feel "safe" with it. If I give a new fruit to them, it takes one to taste it and then they realize it must be safe. I understand more and more the phrase I titled today's blog, "What are ya, chicken?". They are scared of everything! Today, was no different and the reason for this week's post. If you aren't a fan of chickens, and you think my mind has flown the coop, feel free to log off and I will see you next week. :)

The birds have been penned inside for weeks. Now, let me be the first to say, my birds are spoiled. I understand and agree all chickens do not have to be outside. They are fine indoors. I have no hard or bad feelings for chickens that are caged inside. That said, my birds are used to going outside and have come to love the bugs and grass. In the spring, they will make themselves sick on all the treats they can find. Even over the winter months, I usually let them out for a few hours each afternoon if possible. If their waters freeze during the day, I will not let them out. Otherwise, out they go. So, imagine them being in for several weeks. Every day, I would go in the hen house they would run to their door, acting as if to say, "today is the day, surely today is the day, right?". No. I could hear them "fussing" whenever I was outside. Each day, they reminded me, each day the answer was no. Until today. The temps were to be in the 30's, so I decided to at least open the door and maybe put the screen across to at least let in fresh air and the sunshine. They were all so excited when the door, full of dust was pushed back and they all saw outside. They piled on top of one another, trying to be the first one outside.

Now, I have found that the one thing my chickens seem the most scared of, with the exception of a predator (fox, hawk, or eagle), is SNOW. They freak out! They don't know what to do with it. Do you walk on it? Do you walk through it? Do you eat it? And their feet get pink from the cold. They will stand in one spot and squawk until noticed. So, today, you can imagine what happened once the door they begged to have open, opened. I captures two pictures on my phone.

Wanting to come down the ramp.

They started down the ramp, but once they saw what was waiting for them at the bottom, they turned around and started back up, causing a traffic jam. They panicked. It wasn't at all outside like they thought it would be. A few brave ones stayed out for a brief moment, but then they went back inside. They were happy to be in the warm again and around feed and water. Outside didn't seem as exciting as it should have been.

What does this have to do with anything? Are we like that? Do we ask God every day to "open" a door for us. We come up with all the reasons why it would be a good idea. Do we "fuss and fuss", hoping to wear Him down, till He finally says yes? When the day comes and He finally opens a door, do we run ahead and expect things to be as we dreamed they would be, only to have reality hit us in the face. Hmmm, maybe this open door isn't as good as we thought it would be. Or maybe once this door is opened, we need to face a fear that in the past would have caused us to freeze in our tracks? I knew they would hate it outside. I knew they wouldn't go off of the ramp, but I was tired of the fussing and decided to give it a try. I don't know if God ever tires of our fussing, but I know that sometimes doors are opened so we learn a lesson and sometimes doors are open to lead the way. I have had things happen in my life only to realize that what I had begged for, wasn't at all what I wanted. Haven't we all been shopping and saw something we thought we just had to have, only to have it and then realize a few days later, it isn't as great as we thought it would be. Or maybe bigger than that. We beg for a job, we think it is the perfect job and pay for us. We get the job, only to realize it takes us away from a our family more than we thought. The drive is way longer and really the pay isn't much better. So we walk away with even less money, more tired, and we don't even really like what we are doing. Or maybe it is a relationship. We meet someone new and have so much in common. We make plans and we get together often. Days turn into weeks, and weeks into months, we look back and find that we really don't have that many things in common and we want to go back to the way things used to be, but we have moved on from those friends and now we don't know what to do.

Thankfully, we aren't chickens. Thankfully, if God opens a door regardless of the reason, He can make good things come from it, even if it means we learn a lesson and don't repeat it in the future. Or because of that experience, it opened the door to the better experience He had planned all a long, He just left us go on a detour for a bit. Also, we aren't to fear. Chicken fear everything! Did you know if you fear, you are sinning? Yup. When we fear, we are telling God we don't trust Him. We are to trust Him in ALL things. This is one of many sins I struggle with. I am thankful I don't need to be perfect to be loved by Him. I am thankful that He will forgive me. What are some things you are afraid of? What doors are you begging to have opened? Instead of fearing and begging, lets agree to pray for God's will. For God's plans. For God's courage and strength. God will not ask you, "are you too chicken to serve Me?". He knows yours weaknesses. But as I learned again in the study of Gideon. Our weaknesses give Him a chance to show His strength.

Enjoy this week, no matter what it brings. He is ready to open doors and windows to lead the way, but we need to make sure it is He that is leading and not us begging.