Thursday, February 6, 2014

But Sunday is a Comin'

It has been a cold, windy, snowy, icy winter, hasn't it? I am in the minority, I believe, but I love snow. I am not tired of it yet. I actually hope we get a bit more. I took some pictures yesterday from the ice storm. 

As I walked with my camera and looked at all the snow still on the ground and heard the limbs creaking as the wind blew and the sun started to thaw the ice it was actually a peaceful sound to my ears. I was dressed warm and I lost track of time. Seems to happen when I am in His creation. I sometimes wonder if that is why in Heaven we won't keep track of time, it is eternity after all, but maybe we won't be aware of time, because when we are with Him, we lose all track of it anyway. Now, I said I love snow, which is true. However, I am starting to look forward to flip-flops, shorts and the warm sun on my face. I can't wait to turn the dirt over and plant our garden. However, that is another season and while in winter, I will enjoy winter. I am reminded that winter isn't going to be here forever. In a few short weeks, we will see signs of Spring. This morning while asking the Lord, what this week's post should be, I felt the Spirit remind me of last year's Good Friday service. Good Friday is filled with many emotions for me. I am sadden that Jesus had to suffer and die for me and you, yet I am glad that He did, so that I can be with Him now and forever. The message was more on the crucifixion part, so a heaviness was in the air, until the video clip was shown that reminded us, BUT, Sunday is a comin'. You see, we can't focus on Friday, we certainly need to honor it and be forever grateful, but the story doesn't end Friday, if it did, Satan won. We need to remember that on Sunday (Easter morning), He arose from the dead!!

This is the connection I want to make and encourage you this week. Winter is here. Looks like it will be for while, yet remember Spring is coming. Sometimes life can feel like a long, cold, windy, icy season. Dare we say even forgotten by God at times? We get through one storm to only have one bigger and nastier storm coming our way. Or maybe we hide under the layers we have put down to not let people see the real you, like blankets of snow. Winter isn't all bad. There is great beauty in snow. I love the crisp white and the sound the snow makes under my boots as I walk. I love the magical slopes as the winds blow and make beautiful drifts. Kids never tire playing it and think of all the snowmen that have been built this past week!

I am including some pictures from last year to remind you of the color and life that is working hard underground right now to prepare a gorgeous slide show for you and I. We will soon be turning on air conditioners and complaining of the heat. It is coming. I promise. But don't get so caught up on the winter season of your life that you can't look ahead with hope. You may find that you feel all alone in your situation. You may feel no one else will understand. You may feel like God is allowing things to pile up in your life, just like the snow keeps piling up. But just as the ground is busy preparing for Spring, so is God. He is busy working out all the details of your life. He is getting ready for Sunday. The day the clouds will roll back, and His Son, Jesus, will descend and take us home. Life isn't fair. Some people seem to have more to handle than others. Does that make us better if we have less? NO! It means we need to walk along side those that we can help. If we have a lot does that mean we are being punished? No, I recently read that maybe it is because He trusts you with this situation and knows that you will glorify Him in the end. Think of Job. No matter what Satan sent his way, he never cursed God. He stood true to what he believed and God blessed him in the end. Enjoy these pictures. I felt warmer just looking through them. I was encouraged to be reminded that in a few weeks, I will be cutting grass, flowers, and getting fresh goodies from my garden. You will too! Also, the trials you and I are walking through now will only be for a time. Sunday is a comin'. Are you ready? Only those that have accepted the Son will spend time with Him. Those who haven't chosen Him, will not.

Same bird box, just a few months apart. Notice the green grass in the background.

See now, after looking at what is coming don't you feel like you can handle just a bit more winter. If you need reminders of what is to come in our future, take time to open that Bible that has been sitting there waiting and look up a few verses of what is to come! You will be encouraged and excited to see what all He has in store for and I!

**A side note: I can hardly believe that it is a year I started my blog. I stepped out in faith and I have been blessed in ways I could have never imagined. I don't know how long it will last. I don't know how many people really care, but as I have said before, as long as He places thoughts on my heart, I will type away. Thank you for reading! My prayer is that you are seeing the Creator of life in new and amazing ways. I pray you know His Son and I pray that if you are on the fence you will jump over it and run to His arms. He is waiting, but none of us know for how much longer He will wait.

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