Monday, April 28, 2014


I think it was early Fall when my eyes spotted an announcement for Kathy Troccoli's conference "Among Friends" being held at a local church in the spring. I called my friend to see if she wanted to join me. We ordered our tickets and waited. Weeks went by quickly, even if it was the longest winter I ever witnessed. Then the weekend was here. To be honest, as the weekend approached I had mixed thoughts. I was still excited and glad I was going, but I also had many things to accomplish and thinking of those things made it harder to think about sitting for several hours in a service. However, I still went. It was pouring rain on Friday as I drove and I got wet going to and from the garage and then the parking lot to the church.

I found my seat and settled in for the evening. It was a two day event. I would be returning in the morning as well. The evening went by quickly. I was glad I went. It was nice. I had a headache all day from allergies and weather changes. I was distracted, but still thankful I went. I woke up several times during the night with the headache still very present. I prayed I could still be able to go. Within minutes of my hot shower, my headache was leaving. I got ready and went to the church. Met my friend, took my seat, and hoped the headache was finally gone. The next three and half hours went by quickly. I felt great. I thanked God for taking the headache away. I also know that Satan didn't want me at the conference and he wanted me distracted. He was almost successful. But I had prayed that Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. I asked the Lord to clear my mind and help me focus. I knew I was to be there. I just wasn't sure why.

Friends, He loves us. He loves you. He knows you and he knows what you need when you need it. The conference was an answer to prayer. The theme was planned out months in advance. The speakers were chosen for that moment. I needed time with my Savior. I needed reminded He is real. I needed a moment where if I reached out I would touch him. I needed refreshed. I needed a new spark. My life is busy right now and I have not been in His word for weeks. I have read highlights. But being in the word to me is highlighting, taking notes, praying, asking questions, and searching for answers.

As I listened to the guests share their hearts and speak Truth I made the connection that God had quietly been speaking to me for weeks. He had some things I needed to hear again and again. I needed to hear how much He loves me. I needed to be with sisters in Christ who had one purpose and one purpose only. To draw us closer to Him and not them. One of her guests was Karen Kingsbury. I could write many things, but I want to keep this shorter this week. She read a poem that she wrote for her kids. It is about if I had known it was going to be the last time would I have enjoyed it more? It was about those times we tucked them in for their last nap, we washed that jersey for the last time, we helped with homework, etc. It ends with the child heading off to college.

That is where I am at right now. Many of you reading this have done this and many more will be doing it in years to come. We have twin daughters and there have been times when we have had to deal with two at one time. Most times it is awesome, but a few times it makes it harder because there are two. This is one of those times. We don't have older and younger, we have same age. So we do it once. We get one shot. Both are graduating. Both are getting ready to live adult lives. I truly couldn't be happier or prouder. I could write many things, but I was struggling this week. I was dealing with the haunting questions of did I do enough, did I say the right things at the right time. Did I finish the list of things we wanted to do before this day came? On and on. As Karen read her poem, the tears ran down my face. It was my heart. Did I enjoy the time God gave me with these two precious girls? They will no longer be under our direct control. They are adults. They have proven themselves ready and so we celebrate. Life has changes. I hate change. Yet, good comes with change. I can't live with regrets. I need to embrace the future and be excited. My heart felt lighter.

The final speaker was Donna Van Liere. She is the author of the "The Christmas Shoes". She spoke truth. The kind of truth we don't hear often enough. She reminded us that we need to be reading and knowing God's word. Many will be deceived. Many will seek, but few will be chosen. She reminded us many saw Christ heal. But few were chosen to go into the room to heal the daughter of Jairus. Two to be exact. She also reminded us that we are no longer sickened by people breaking God's moral code. In other words, nothing shocks us anymore. We are becoming numb to what society does. We also allow people to water down God's word to meet our needs. We read the verses we want to read. Do we know His Word and then in turn recognize when it is being changed? She spoke of two people who were desperate to see/talk to Jesus. They were so desperate they didn't care the consequences for doing so, and believe me they were serious consequences.

I walked away on Saturday, refreshed, renewed and excited. I want to be chosen. I want to live a life that if Christ had to pick a few people to join him in a miracle experience that I would be found worthy enough to be chosen. I want to know His Word, so when I come across the watered down versions I can flee. I want to be desperate. I want to be so desperate for Him, that I will serve Him regardless of the consequences.

Why do I share are all this? Why should you care? It was my experience, it was my challenges, it was my weekend. True. However, the same can happen to you. I want to encourage you to take the time to spend with Him. Go to the bible studies. Listen to the worship music. Dust off that bible and dig in to it. Write your own commentary on a book of the bible and share it with others. Tell what you are learning. Pray. Pray for protection from the enemy. He can't steal your soul, but He can distract you and make you feel weak. Trust. Trust with all your heart that where you are and what you are going through is for a greater purpose. I needed this weekend. God knew I would months ago. He had me see the small advertisement announcing it. He met me with the needs I had. 

Have a blessed week and I pray you will find some quiet time with him. He is waiting to shower you with His power, presence and His love. Seek Him and you will find Him. Ask and it will be given. He is crazy about you!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Just a Set Back

I am not sure where you live, but where I live we have had strange weather this week. We have had almost 80 degree type days only to then have a low of 20 at night. We even had snow one evening this past week that covered the grass. I am not one to complain of the weather too much. I don't even follow it very much. I feel it is going to do what it is going to do, whether I follow or not. However, I am so done with winter. I am tired of gloves, boots, and coats. I am ready for open windows and flowers. Flowers give so much color. That is what this week's post is about. If you have been following me for awhile you will remember my post from last year about my secret garden. My own garden of Eden to me. If not, feel free to pull up old blog posts and read it. I will not repeat myself for those that have read it. However, I will say that each spring since I moved several years ago, there is a patch of woods that I cherish. The entrance to it has a weed that blooms early spring and it is golden yellow. To me, it reminds me of "streets of gold" that are mentioned in scripture when thinking of heaven. I have no idea if that is literal, or not, but either way I am reminded of the streets of heaven when I see the yellow flowers. This past week, I decided to check back in the woods to see how the flowers were coming. It was a beautiful spring day and warm. Pup was swimming. I saw a few had started to bloom and got a few shots with the camera, but the full show they give each year wouldn't be for a couple more days. I left in a hurry. I didn't want Maggie to step on them.

Imagine my disappointment when just a few days later, we got the cold weather mentioned above and snow. I hated to look but thought those delicate flowers wouldn't survive. Had I missed the opportunity I had just days prior? Had I rushed by and missed them and now I would need to wait until another year? I decided to get it over with. I walked down the field lane and saw some weeds had died. As I approached my "street" they were all wilted! They lay flat on the ground. My heart sunk. I had missed it. I should have taken more pictures. I should have enjoyed the moment I had a few days earlier. Then that voice I have learned to listen to, whispered in my soul, "it is only a set a back." Yeah, maybe that was it. Maybe they will perk up once warmer weather comes back. I left feeling less guilty, but determined to keep a better eye on them. I didn't want to miss them again.

Today, I headed back. Pup was swimming and giving me her treasure of the day to watch for safe keeping. Her treasure today was someone's old juice bottle. Washed down stream after heavy rains. She brings me something every day. I will post pictures in a future blog. I hated to look at the flowers, but also needed to know. I was surprised. They not only looked better, but more were joining the.! A few didn't come back, it was simply too cold, but others are thriving! I took Maggie back inside. She is a great dog and I love her by my side. However, she can't seem to appreciate wildflowers. She steps on them, sniffs the camera and my favorite, she whines if I stay too long.

So, I headed back with camera in hand. Smile on my face and a warmness in my heart. I also prayed that a blog post would come together. This is what I feel the message is for this week.

It is only a set back. The words are seeping into my soul more and more this week. I don't know about you and where life is headed for you, but I have many things I am dealing with. Some good and some frustrating. There are times I feel I am not as close as I used to be with my relationship with God. I feel I fall for the lies Satan whispers. I feel guilty that I am not doing all I should be doing. I feel like sometimes I look back on the day and think "what exactly did I accomplish today for Jesus?". But then those words come to mind, "it is only a set back". You see, just as the flowers were perfect and looking well, a storm came that changed everything. They were knocked down. They were flattened. They couldn't stand tall anymore. They received strong winds, an inch and half of pouring rain, followed by snow!There are times in my life when I am standing tall, confident, and serving to the fullest. Then there are times when I simply don't care and I am tired. I get frustrated. But God isn't done with me. It is simply a set back. He still has a plan for me. He still loves me. He is still waiting. He knows and understands set backs. I haven't missed a one time offer to serve. Sometimes we are living a mountain top experience (we want to stay there), sometimes we are in the valley (we think get me out now), and sometimes we experience a set back. While climbing, we slip and have to repeat the ground we just covered. Sometimes we can't seem to get a grip that will hold and we feel we can't climb even if we wanted to. God is there through it all. A phrase I have learned to appreciate more and more is this. God is good ALL the time. Repeat that over and over until you believe it in your soul. Until you do, you will be frustrated and disappointed. I know you have experienced some awful things. I know that you aren't able to say that easily, some days are easier than others, but God is still good ALL the time. Just because we experience set backs, doesn't make Him less good. And dare I say that after a set back, we come back stronger and better for the set back? Just as the flowers are flourishing, so can you and I. Yes, sometimes we miss opportunities to serve that are once in a life time, but it isn't our only shot. Just as some of the flowers died, those opportunities may never come around again but others will and they may just be better than the ones we past, or God knows we need to learn a lesson in something and He will continue to teach us the lesson till we get it. Not to punish, that is a lie Satan will tell, but to teach us so something better can happen.

I am including my photo session from today. I will try to only highlight, but I took plenty. :O)

One final thought before I close, dare I say that two thousand years ago the disciples were scrambling and hiding as Jesus was being crucified. They experienced a "set back". They thought they had blown it. Picture Peter sitting in a corner crying and embarrassed for the way he denied Him. But as the song/saying goes, SUNDAY IS A COMIN'. Jesus would remain in the grave only three days. They experienced a set back, but once Sunday came, the ministry exploded! Enjoy this Easter weekend. Remember Good Friday and what it represents, but remember Easter morning! We have much to celebrate.


Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Bird Cage

This week we will be entering the days before Easter. A few years ago I received an email that had a story attached to it. I saved it and was reminded of it recently. I am going to include it in my post today.

The Birdcage

There once was a man named George Thomas, pastor in a small New England town. One Easter Sunday morning he came to the Church carrying a rusty, bent, old bird cage, and set it by the pulpit. Eyebrows were raised and, as if in response, Pastor Thomas began to speak... I was walking through town yesterday when I saw a young boy coming toward me swinging this birdcage. On the bottom of the cage were three little wild birds, shivering with cold and fright. I stopped the lad and asked, "What you got there, son?" Just some old birds," came the reply. What are you gonna do with them?" I asked. Take 'em home and have fun with 'em," he answered. I'm gonna tease 'em and pull out their feathers to make 'em fight. I'm gonna have a real good time." But you'll get tired of those birds sooner or later. What will you do?" Oh, I got some cats," said the little boy. "They like birds. I'll take 'em to them." The pastor was silent for a moment. How much do you want for those birds, son?" Huh?? !!! Why, you don't want them birds, mister. They're just plain old-field birds. They don't sing. They ain't even pretty!" How much?" the pastor asked again. The boy sized up the pastor as if he were crazy and said, "$10?" The pastor reached in his pocket and took out a ten-dollar bill. He placed it in the boy's hand. In a flash, the boy was gone. The pastor picked up the cage and gently carried it to the end of the alley where there was a tree and a grassy spot. Setting the cage down, he opened the door, and by softly tapping the bars persuaded the birds out, setting them free. Well, that explained the empty birdcage on the pulpit, and then the pastor began to tell this story.

One day Satan and Jesus were having a conversation. Satan had just come from the Garden of Eden, and he was gloating and boasting. Yes, sir, I just caught the world full of people down there. Set me trap, used bait I knew they couldn't resist. Got 'em all!" What are you going to do with them?" Jesus asked. Satan replied, "Oh, I'm gonna have fun! I'm gonna teach them how to marry and divorce each other, how to hate and abuse each other, how to drink and smoke and curse. I'm gonna teach them how to invent guns and bombs and kill each other. I'm really gonna have fun!" And what will you do when you get done with them?" Jesus asked. Oh, I'll kill 'em," Satan glared proudly. How much do you want for them?" Jesus asked. Oh, you don't want those people. They ain't no good. Why, you'll take them and they'll just hate you. They'll spit on you, curse you and kill you. You don't want those people!!" How much? He asked again. Satan looked at Jesus and sneered, "All your blood, tears and your life." Jesus said, "DONE!" Then He paid the price. The pastor picked up the cage, he opened the door, and he walked from the pulpit.

I never forgot that story. It says so much. A simple bird cage with a huge message. Whether you choose to believe or receive the gift that was paid for you is up to you. You were bought for a price. You have the choice to receive the freedom you have been given. Just as the birds flew free from their cage, so can you. Now your cage may look very different. You may be caged with fear, hurt, debt, past sins, doubt, worry, stress, etc. However, we all have been caged by sin. That is the price Christ paid for us. The moment sin entered the garden, the plan was put into action for the events we celebrate this week. He knew the struggles we would encounter. He knew the sins we would commit and continue to commit.There is much to celebrate for those of us that have received eternal life, through the death of Christ and resurrection. But we also are to remain free in other ways too. Christ didn't just die so we can be with him in eternity. He also gave us life while here on planet earth. We don't die the minute we accept him. We still need to continue on life's journey. He will walk each step of the way with us, if we ask for his help and guidance. This week I had a situation that got the best of me. I was frustrated and irritated. I went for a walk and as I walked and processed things, I was frustrated that I get worked up over things that in time really don't matter. In the moment, I was right and the other person was in the wrong. I could have proven my point, but I thought, for what? For 10 seconds of you are right and I am wrong, and then years of that person avoiding me or being afraid to ask me to help again? No, so I chose to let it go. As I processed this I thought, Lord, when will I be more patient, or more kind, more thankful that I was even asked to join in the activity. As quickly as I thought it, I was reminded.....never. I never will be. That is why God gives us the Holy Spirit. How do you know the Holy Spirit is alive and active in your life? By the fruit it gives. Love, patience, kindness, goodness, etc. You see I was bought with a price, but I was also given a guide to help me on this journey. I can never be that kind of person on my own. I need the help of the Spirit to be that person. I also find God gives us situations to strengthen the areas we are weak. He doesn't love us less and not trust us in future events. No, He patiently gives us situations that bring those qualities out in us.

Are you living free? Remember, the door has been opened, but it is your choice to accept.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Have you ever heard of a Killdeer? If I could record their call and include it in my post I am sure you would recognize their call. They are often in our meadow each spring. A couple of years ago I was able to capture some pictures of a pair raising their little family. This week's post doesn't really have a devotional theme to go with it, but it is to share pictures of one of the zillion creatures our God has created. I also want to share a short story before you look at the pictures. When God gives you a gift or the ability to do something I find that is a way that you may feel the most near to Him. For me it is creation. For you it might be music, prayer, scripture, serving others, teaching, etc.

I watched the parents lay on the eggs. I watched the parents run as I cut grass and avoided the nest they placed on a pile of stones. I watched the parents as they sounded the alarm when a barn cat would come near. So imagine my surprise to see the little guys hatched and I missed it. Yet, the parents kept chirping loudly as I searched. Something about a Killdeer that you may not know is, that unlike many birds when their young hatch they are ready to run. Eyes open and legs of blue ready to sprint! They don't have to bring food to their young, they have to take their young to the food. As I leaned on the fence post early that morning with camera in hand I simply couldn't find them. They should have been zipping through the grass like bumble bees, but not any to be seen. Yet, as I said, the parents were having a fit. So, I did what I always do, I prayed a simple prayer. Something like, "Lord, you know exactly where they are. I just want a glimpse of them and a quick picture". I had just finished praying and opened my eyes to turn and almost stepped right on them. They had been hiding in the fence row and the parents knew they were in serious danger. They tried everything to get my attention so their young would be safe. They tried flying. They tried acting like they had a broken wing so I would go after them (classic thing they do). I was shocked! I didn't move. I just stood there in amazement. They were there all the time. I could have stood by any of the fence posts, but they were at the one I stopped at.  Then I thought,"Sue, why are you amazed? You asked God to show you where they were, and before you finished He answered your prayer. Isn't that how God is? Why do we doubt? Do we believe or hope He will answer our prayers? I know He didn't need to show them to me and I would have still believed in Him and loved Him, but I also know that when He made me, He gave me a love for His creation. He knew how badly I watched and waited and didn't want to miss it. I don't know why the answer is sometimes no and sometimes yes, except to say, that He is God and He does what is best. They were gone as fast as they had come. A few nights of running in the tall grass and they were off. Enjoy the pictures I was able to get. They had three batches that spring, and the pictures I am posting are a combination of those three batches. They are a treasure to me.

The eggs blend in very well with the pile of stones she laid her eggs in.

Mom trying to act like she has a broken wing. Dad in the background.

Just drying off and getting ready to run!You can see a part of their blue legs sticking out.

A quote I came across this week that I want to pass along as a word of encouragement. I am not sure what your week has been like but maybe this is meant for you.

"Sometimes God doesn't change your situation because He's trying to change your heart."