Imagine my disappointment when just a few days later, we got the cold weather mentioned above and snow. I hated to look but thought those delicate flowers wouldn't survive. Had I missed the opportunity I had just days prior? Had I rushed by and missed them and now I would need to wait until another year? I decided to get it over with. I walked down the field lane and saw some weeds had died. As I approached my "street" they were all wilted! They lay flat on the ground. My heart sunk. I had missed it. I should have taken more pictures. I should have enjoyed the moment I had a few days earlier. Then that voice I have learned to listen to, whispered in my soul, "it is only a set a back." Yeah, maybe that was it. Maybe they will perk up once warmer weather comes back. I left feeling less guilty, but determined to keep a better eye on them. I didn't want to miss them again.
Today, I headed back. Pup was swimming and giving me her treasure of the day to watch for safe keeping. Her treasure today was someone's old juice bottle. Washed down stream after heavy rains. She brings me something every day. I will post pictures in a future blog. I hated to look at the flowers, but also needed to know. I was surprised. They not only looked better, but more were joining the.! A few didn't come back, it was simply too cold, but others are thriving! I took Maggie back inside. She is a great dog and I love her by my side. However, she can't seem to appreciate wildflowers. She steps on them, sniffs the camera and my favorite, she whines if I stay too long.
So, I headed back with camera in hand. Smile on my face and a warmness in my heart. I also prayed that a blog post would come together. This is what I feel the message is for this week.
It is only a set back. The words are seeping into my soul more and more this week. I don't know about you and where life is headed for you, but I have many things I am dealing with. Some good and some frustrating. There are times I feel I am not as close as I used to be with my relationship with God. I feel I fall for the lies Satan whispers. I feel guilty that I am not doing all I should be doing. I feel like sometimes I look back on the day and think "what exactly did I accomplish today for Jesus?". But then those words come to mind, "it is only a set back". You see, just as the flowers were perfect and looking well, a storm came that changed everything. They were knocked down. They were flattened. They couldn't stand tall anymore. They received strong winds, an inch and half of pouring rain, followed by snow!There are times in my life when I am standing tall, confident, and serving to the fullest. Then there are times when I simply don't care and I am tired. I get frustrated. But God isn't done with me. It is simply a set back. He still has a plan for me. He still loves me. He is still waiting. He knows and understands set backs. I haven't missed a one time offer to serve. Sometimes we are living a mountain top experience (we want to stay there), sometimes we are in the valley (we think get me out now), and sometimes we experience a set back. While climbing, we slip and have to repeat the ground we just covered. Sometimes we can't seem to get a grip that will hold and we feel we can't climb even if we wanted to. God is there through it all. A phrase I have learned to appreciate more and more is this. God is good ALL the time. Repeat that over and over until you believe it in your soul. Until you do, you will be frustrated and disappointed. I know you have experienced some awful things. I know that you aren't able to say that easily, some days are easier than others, but God is still good ALL the time. Just because we experience set backs, doesn't make Him less good. And dare I say that after a set back, we come back stronger and better for the set back? Just as the flowers are flourishing, so can you and I. Yes, sometimes we miss opportunities to serve that are once in a life time, but it isn't our only shot. Just as some of the flowers died, those opportunities may never come around again but others will and they may just be better than the ones we past, or God knows we need to learn a lesson in something and He will continue to teach us the lesson till we get it. Not to punish, that is a lie Satan will tell, but to teach us so something better can happen.
I am including my photo session from today. I will try to only highlight, but I took plenty. :O)
One final thought before I close, dare I say that two thousand years ago the disciples were scrambling and hiding as Jesus was being crucified. They experienced a "set back". They thought they had blown it. Picture Peter sitting in a corner crying and embarrassed for the way he denied Him. But as the song/saying goes, SUNDAY IS A COMIN'. Jesus would remain in the grave only three days. They experienced a set back, but once Sunday came, the ministry exploded! Enjoy this Easter weekend. Remember Good Friday and what it represents, but remember Easter morning! We have much to celebrate.
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