Sometimes I think we struggle on how to share our love of Jesus. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves. If we are honest we don't want to hear a negative response. We don't want to be rejected. It doesn't matter how many times we are reminded that we aren't the ones being rejected, but Him. Still, I believe we are hesitant and go about our daily lives. We aren't all called to be missionaries. Or wait, are we? Scripture doesn't say, those called to be missionaries, spread the gospel, but we are all to go into the world and spread the good news. So how do we do that when we are called to be parents, employees, employers, etc. Those are callings too. May I suggest a smile.
This past week, I was having a very normal day. I had errands to run and like you, was on a time table. I had one more stop to make and honestly, I was not looking forward to it. I needed new capri pants and sadly if you don't get them now in a few weeks, you won't find them among all the winter clothes. Drives me crazy when you can't find seasonal clothes during the actual season. I am getting sidetracked. Anyway, I entered the store, tried on several pair, found two that worked. I had to wait longer in line and I decided to just wait it out. It is in those moments that I remember usually God is behind the waiting and so I need to be patient.
I was coming out the door and I heard him before I saw him. He shouted, "you should try smiling a bit more". I turned to him and actually wasn't sure if this was someone who was bitter at the world or if he truly liked my smile. I didn't even think about what came out of my mouth. My response, "I have much to be smiling about". He then shouted across the parking lot, which at this point people were starting to stare and stop. When you focus on things above instead of down, you can smile. He shared with me that 30 years ago, he and his wife were expecting a child and she lost the baby. He was very angry about that and he said it wasn't until recently that he heard "the Jeremiah guy" (Dr. David Jeremiah) tell him that his son would be in heaven. So, that got him to thinking. He said he can't get enough. He listens to every program he can that the Jeremiah guy speaks on. He also said he had literature in his car if I was interested. I told him I enjoy Dr. David Jeremiah very much as well and I would rather someone who needed it, received it. He then shared he had been waiting for his twin aunts who were shopping in the store. I shared I had twins. I want to keep this short so I will not share all the details of our conversation, but I want to share the end of our time together. I shared about my testimony of our daughters. He smiled from ear to ear. I can't put into words the joy it brings me to see the excitement of Christ on another believers face. He was close to 60 and I am guessing many of those years were not with Jesus. But he now lives with a relationship with him. Sadly, his wife doesn't. Pray for her. I don't know names, but Jesus does. He said again how much the Jeremiah guy means to him and he wishes he could be friends with him or meet him some day. I turned to him and said, but if you have a relationship with Jesus, that makes you and him brothers! He beamed and turned to me and said, I need to give you a hug and kiss on the cheek. I got the biggest bear hug. He was beaming for Jesus! No hesitation. No fear. People still watching, still listening, some even laughing with us because of the joy on our faces. His aunts came out and he shared with them about me and asked me to repeat my story. Then he said to them, I have been preaching in the parking lot while waiting for you.
On my drive home, I realized, Jesus was shared and discussed in a hot, sunny, parking lot. Not a bible in hand, no tracts, no prepared speech. Just one believer with a new believer. The wait in the store was so I wouldn't miss him, as I had going in the store. Is it really that easy? Yes, it is my friend. It all starts with a smile and why we are smiling. People don't want preached at. People want to hear how you have been impacted. They want to see Jesus in you. Jesus works out the details. Jesus gives the words and the appointed time. We just need to trust and show up, even on a busy already full day. You never know what a day could bring. I encourage you to look for interesting ways to share Jesus with others, sometimes you may not need to say a word. I bet 10 people or more watched and paused. We were shouting back and forth for awhile. I don't know what they thought or what our actions caused in them, but they were listening.
One final thought: this time of year we have many things getting ready for harvest. Whether it be crops in the fields or our gardens. As I picked the green beans this week and watched the combine gather the wheat, I was reminded of Christ telling the disciples that the fields were ready but the workers were few. How sad that there could be people ready to hear the gospel, but we the workers are so busy with our personal lives that the harvest can't be done. What if you planted, weeded, watered and prepared your garden and then just watched the fruit and veggies ripen only to drop to the ground because you never gathered them? Is that how it is for God? I want to think he would send other workers, but I don't know that. I don't want to hear that this person isn't in heaven because I was too busy. I want to always be looking for ways to serve Him and do the part he had for me. Remember, my part isn't your part and vice versa. Pray throughout the day asking the Holy Spirit to guide you. Some days are quiet and other days you can feel His leading. Keep asking and being willing.
The harvest is ready. Are you a worker or a slacker?
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