Sunday, November 9, 2014

Wounds and Scars

I am hoping this message comes across as clearly as it is in my mind. I have delayed in writing because I fear I won't communicate it well. However, it is Sunday night and I have no other thought to write about so here it goes.

When we think of wounds we think of injuries that have occurred to us and cause so much pain and hurt. We can't think of anything else. The heartbeat we feel pulsating at the sight will not let up. If we don't take care of it, it will over time possibly become infected. If still not treated, infection can spread throughout our entire body. Infection left untreated that spreads will lead to death. Some wounds need ointment and cleansing. Some wounds need stitches. All wounds take time to heal and special care. We need to keep it clean and at times covered. Other times we need to let the air help dry and clean the sight.

Scars. Some wounds lead to scars. But the unique thing about scars is you can't have a scar without a wound first. You have to experience something before a scar can appear. The other thing about scars are, to the touch, they no longer have pain associated with them. It is what is left behind after the healing process is complete. I am sure we all have a scar of some sort. Some may be from surgery. Some may be from accidents. Some may be from careless activities.

Where am I going with this and what does this have to do with anything? This is my challenge. Are you walking around with wounds that should be scars by now? And are scars a bad thing? People will harm us and people will be mean to us. Do we allow those hurtful words to heal or do we let them fester and become infected. Do we allow them to cause a heartbeat of pain so we think of nothing else and focus on it constantly? Do we then become bitter and angry at everyone or that person because of past experiences with them? Keeping in mind, they may never know how deeply they have hurt us? Wounds of that kind could lead to death. I don't mean death of a physical body, but death of living life. We will close ourselves off to the world and others and become closed up in our world. We may have been hurt badly and we may be in the right, but is it time to let the stitching  begin? Is it time to allow the master physician to come and clean the wound and fill it with an ointment of grace and mercy and then stitch it tightly together making sure that there is no room for infection and leaving a scar in its place? A scar that reminds us of the journey and of how far we have come? Remind us to not make that careless mistake again? A scar doesn't hurt to touch it. Are their topics that when they come up, pricks your very soul and you become guarded? That makes me feel like it is a wound and not a scar. It may be a wound still healing or it maybe a wound that is waiting to become infected. Life is too short to be walking around with wounds everywhere. It is time to move on. If you need to forgive, forgive. If you need to spend time with Jesus, the master physician, spend time with him. If it is time to air out your wound with a trusted friend, then air it out. But whatever you do, don't let it become infected. Don't let it control your life. It is exhausting. Scars are a good thing. It is a work that is complete.

Scripture tells us by his wounds we were healed. Do you realize Jesus had wounds that we could never handle and would have killed us, just so we could be healed. Healed of our sinful life. Wounded so we could have life. His scars on his hands, feet and side remind us of a work complete. By his scars we are reminded that we have life eternal. Trust him today. He will take care of the wounds you are carrying, but you must first show him what they are. You can't walk around with them covered up. You may need to keep them covered for a time while together you work out the healing process. By the end of that time, you will take the cover off and you may be healed to the point where no one will ever see the damage done, other times, He will place a scar in its place. A scar to remind you of the journey you traveled. A reminder that you can get through this. A scar to show you that while it wasn't fair, it wasn't right and it was one of the most painful times in your life, you made it and while you have a scar in its place, you don't have pain anymore.

How do you know if you have wounds or scars? A wound will always bring up stress, anger, jealousy, frustration, defensive behavior, etc. A scar will bring back some hurtful, painful memories, but immediately joy and peace will fill its place. It is a time you can't forget, but you no longer are ruled by it. You no longer hold negative feelings toward that person. That person may never apologize for what was done. That person may be totally in the wrong, but how will you handle what you do? I suggest you move on. There are things we can't ever understand or explain, but to dwell on them will make us be someone who frankly is exhausting to be.

I have a small example of what I am saying. As many of you know, I spent a very long time in the hospital waiting for the arrival of our children. I have a scar on my stomach from their delivery. It is smaller than the average because they were born early and were small in size. The surgeon only makes the cut necessary to deliver them. When I see that scar everyday in the shower, I am reminded of many things. The pain that came for weeks after that cut was made. I am reminded of the battle God and I had while in the hospital and about what I thought was unfair and at times mad at God. He never left go. He knew I had stuff to work through and He gave me the time to work it out. I didn't need God in my life, only in my death. I felt I was saved and I only "needed" him when it came time for Heaven. I couldn't have been more wrong. I need Him in my life just as much as I need my next breath. He helped me see that. I am reminded of another thing, the two precious faces that awaited me at the end of the hallway. It was a long journey, but through it all, I was given a huge blessing in the end. He left a scar from the work that needed to be done, but I could touch it all day and it would never hurt. There is no pain in that scar. Simply a memory of work done and healed. Now I have some wounds that I am working on, and I am making progress, but wound it still is. I am treating it by spending time in prayer, having healthy boundaries and trusting God. I know He will heal it and make it better in His time. Until then, I will continue to trust Him and look to him for healing, rather than telling others and bringing more people to my side and start a festering mess. Infection will be around the corner and infection can lead to death. I don't want that, do you? I hope this week you can look back at scars and thank God for the complete healing in that area. I pray that the wounds you are facing will be surrendered to Him.

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