Wednesday, September 9, 2015

What are your little things?

A day this week I was tending to my flowers. I was about to water our hanging basket when something caught my eye. I noticed once branch was wilted and little white flakes were on it. Upon closer inspection I saw aphids had moved in. They are tiny, tiny, little green bugs. They line up on the stem of a plant and slowing start robbing the plant of its moisture. Left untreated they will kill the plant.

I immediately got my spray out because these little ones love the rose bushes as well and went about spraying. The following morning what I found caused me to take a second look. Thousands of little green bugs lay dead on the porch bench as well as on the porch. I swept them up and the following day there were even more. I had no idea how many aphids one plant could hold. Usually when you spray they fall off into the green grass so you don't see them. I was taken back by how many were on the plant. For three days I found bugs. My plant however is looking much better. The leaves aren't curling and the flowers are drooping.

As I was sweeping the porch the idea came to me of how those tiny little bugs worked together slowly to rob the plant of life. Isn't that just how Satan does things are well? He rarely comes in boldly pulling you away. No. It is the little things.

For example: you wake up fully intending on opening your bible and having your morning coffee. You go to make coffee and realize you are out. So you go to the fridge and make a note on the grocery list. While on the list you see a few other items you need and keep adding. While heading to make tea now that you don't have coffee you see the newspaper on the counter that you didn't finish from yesterday and so you begin to read. After finishing the newspaper you realize you better start the laundry if you hope to have it all done before the kids come home and you need to help with homework or run them to their activities. You start the laundry and use the last cupful of detergent. You are back at the list and add it. Only to realize you better just make a quick run to the store. While in line you see a friend that you need to catch up with and the conversation takes longer than you realized. You get home to see that you better grab a little lunch before it gets any later and you are tempted to start snacking because you didn't eat lunch. After lunch you feel a bit sleepy so you decide to take a 15 minute nap. What can it hurt? You wake up 40 minutes later, switch the laundry and start supper prep. While things are simmering you take the dog for a quick walk and see a neighbor. They ask you to watch their place while they are away this coming weekend and you are glad to do it. You come inside to write a note about the weekend and the phone is ringing. You take the call and finish dinner. That evening after running the kids and asking your spouse about his or her day, and folding laundry while doing it, you see the devotional still sitting on the table, waiting. You are too tired from your busy day, you say to yourself, "I better wait till tomorrow, it will mean more then". "I am too tired now and won't remember what I read anyway." Not a problem but I just described a normal day. You find that the next day is just as busy and the next and the next. Before long it is weeks since you opened your bible and spent quiet time with God.

Or maybe you are watching TV at night. A show comes on that while watching it you feel that you should change the channel. But everyone at work tomorrow will be talking about it and you certainly want to fit in. Or you need to watch it so if the conversation comes up you are prepared to some how share your beliefs with them. That is fine, it very well could but weeks after watching the show the opportunity never does come up and you now find the show enjoyable and look forward to it each week. You even aren't bothered by it and once again we are just a bit more numb to the things we as Christians are to run from.

One final example. You start going on social media and comparing your life to what people post. You know full well that they only post the good stuff because no one wants to share when things are going bad. They post the best pictures of themselves and all the recent things they have done or are going to do. You say it doesn't bother you and for some it really doesn't. I love social media to a point, but you need to be careful with it. Anyway, you gradually start acting different. You start wanting what they have. You start spending money when you don't have it. You no longer enjoy what you have because it isn't like theirs. After while you even become angry and may feel unloved because your life isn't their life. I have news for you....given the chance to switch with them. Taking the good that you see and the bad you don't see. You would keep your stuff any day.

You see Satan is busy. His time is running out. He may not be able to claim you as his own, but by golly he will keep you distracted and busy at all possible costs. For you see, if you spend time with God and walk with God. Listen for his still Voice and read His Word. You find that He is all you need. You will crave more and more time with Him and less and less with what this world has to offer. You will work on things that are eternal instead of here today gone tomorrow. You will be known for your honesty, integrity, and willingness to help others.

If left unchecked, the little things will eat at your very soul and before long you will wilt from exhaustion of keeping up with the Jones of your life and you will have your head down instead of looking up.

I think it is time we look at our lives and make those small changes so that the little things can't take hold of our lives. I am speaking to myself more than anyone else. Don't let Satan rob you of your Joy! God is waiting to do a bit of gardening. Let him cut away the dead, prop up the hurts and eventually heal them. A plant does best if you dead head the blooms and keep the weeds away. Is there anything that needs cut out or weeded so it doesn't take root? Ask the gardener to show you where to start.

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