Thursday, February 7, 2013


I have decided to start a blog. Many have asked me to write a devotional to go with all my pictures. I have prayed about this and after I shared something I noticed about lightening bugs to a complete stranger (shy I am not), she looked straight into my eyes and said you should write a blog on those type things. I sensed that was God saying now is the time. So, welcome. I hope to write those things that will encourage you and cause you to reflect on the tiny details that are all around us.

I decided to title my blog Following Fingerprints because I feel that God's fingerprints are everywhere, we just need to look for them and then follow. I also had the thought, when solving a mystery, they often look for fingerprints and that leads them to the answer. We are unique and each have our own set of fingerprints. God compares us to no one and loves us just as we are. Hasn't there been times in your life that you said, that just had to be God! Well, I love those moments and you know what, He loves doing those things for us.

I will not write daily, but will try weekly to update. Sometimes photos will go with the comments, other times they will not. Also, please be patient as I work the details of how to edit and make additions. Thanks!

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