This weekend was cold and windy. It was great soup making weather. As I gathered the sweet corn from the freezer, I was reminded of what the weather had been like when I put the corn in the freezer. It was a very hazy, hot, humid August day. I didn't want to check the sweet corn in the garden because I knew it was going to be ready to pick. I was alone that day, with no extra hands to help. But, I checked the garden. It was not only ready, but the majority of it was ready. I was going to be picking, husking, silking, cooking, blanching, cutting if off the cob and putting in containers all by myself. I was exhausted before I started. But I knew that come winter, I would be thankful for the corn to make soup with. I also was reminded that I should be more thankful that I have plenty of food to eat and not crumble about the work.
This weekend made me hungry for soup. As I made the soup, I was reminded that sometimes in our Christian walk, we have to stand alone, face trials, work hard without results, and do things we don't understand why we are doing them. It seems like an awful lot of work at the time, but then just like the soup hit the spot and warmed me up on a very cold winter day, so does my relationship with Christ. When I work hard, follow this lead and do the tasks that I may not have volunteered for, but know He wants me to do them and He has made those task especially for me, I must do them. I can recall many times having to do things I wish someone else would do, but God had them made just for me. And you know what? I never regretted doing those tasks. In the end, I felt closer to Him and encouraged for the next task. So, if right now you feel tired, exhausted, and overwhelmed, chin up! A big bowl of surprises are right around the corner. If not in this life time, in eternity I am sure. And I believe He smiles when He sees us making the right choices, even if our hearts aren't in it at first, just like I really didn't want to go to the garden that day. Some days we are called to work "in the corn patch" and other days He has planned for us to curl up and enjoy His presence, like a hot bowl of soup. Whatever day you are having today, I pray you feel His presence with you.
What a wonderful reminder! Thank you!