There is a stretch of road near my home that I learned a valuable lesson on one day and I would like to share it with you. I have come to call that stretch "Grace Alley". For a brief moment it is three lanes of highway and then a sign alerts you that the far right lane ends. You must merge. Done correctly, it goes very smooth. However, so many people feel they are entitled to be in that lane and the rest of us are to simply slow down or even stop to allow them in. Doesn't matter we sat at the same red light, saw the same sign they saw, or that we have places to go as well. Those of us in the two lanes are where we are suppose to be. The far right lane is basically for turning purposes, but if you so desire to stay straight you must merge.
Well, this has caused many frustrating moments for me as people fly up past me as though I am going slow and that they are able to stay in that lane. Once they go several yards, they suddenly realize they need to now have me let them in. I have had horns blow, hands wave and simply just been cut off.
One day, the usual was happening and I had decided not today. They were going to have to wait their turn. They didn't deserve to be in my lane, they didn't follow the directions that were nicely posted for them. Not my problem, but theirs. It wasn't fair. Then that still small voice spoke directly into my spirit that couldn't be missed, "Sue, that is what grace looks like". My face flushed red, at the thought of it. All those weeks, that I became frustrated and even angry at times that they ignored the signs, was actually how God could feel about me when I chose to do my own thing. Even though His Word tells me how to live and what He commands I still felt entitled, to do things my way. I had places to go, people to see, I didn't have time to always read His Word or listen to his voice during prayer. I deserved to have the consequences that came with my choices. I had the warning signs, I knew I wasn't suppose to do those things, yet He chooses grace.
You see, everyday He gives me things I don't deserve. Not only that, but He loves me. Did I love those people in traffic?! I decided right then that I would look at that stretch of road differently from then on. I am given grace everyday. I can at least extend grace to those around me. They don't deserve it, but that is the mystery of grace, getting what we don't deserve and nothing in return is expected.
As Easter nears this week, I am reminded even more that Christ paid a price I could NEVER pay. I don't deserve to have breath in my lungs, let along a place in Heaven for all of eternity. I will fail everyday. I was born with a sinful nature. I have to choose to do what is right. Thinking of myself comes easily. But then grace comes in and reminds us, we sometimes need to give people what they don't deserve. Christ didn't deserve to die a criminal's death, he didn't deserve to be spit on, he didn't deserve to be treated the way he was treated, yet he did it all for you and me. To give us what we don't deserve, eternity with him.
There is so much more I could say on grace, it would take weeks to type out. Maybe future blogs will be devoted to grace. But in that short drive to my house, I was reminded first hand how much I am given that I never deserve. Now when I drive "Grace Alley", I look for cars to let in front of me. I almost never get a wave of thanks, but instead a of look of entitlement. I just smile, because to me, it means so much more now. I can't even get mad or frustrated. It is a lesson I hope to never forget. Where is your "Grace Alley"?
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Stones when you think about them you may think negative thoughts. I remember as a kid having to walk the fields with my siblings and pick stones so they wouldn't damage the farm equipment and also the crops could grow better. I sometimes think the more you pick, the more will surface. They really aren't very pretty and they can be very heavy. Stones can be an obstacle to have to work around. Many a yard has a large stone in the center of a flower bed. It was easier to build a flower bed around it, then move it. Stones can also be hard to walk on and stay balanced.
I have a positive thought however, to stones. I recently heard someone say, "stones are what makes the noise in the streams". I realized in that moment the truth of that statement. Without the stones there wouldn't be anything to make noise as the water flowed past it. It would simply be quiet. Stones give us some of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Can you imagine sitting by a little brook and never hearing the trickling of the water? While on a recent walk I came across a very small stream, I could have jumped across it. It was full of stones and rocks. They were in all different sizes and different shapes. One of the bigger ones caused a small waterfall. You know what, I loved just standing there and hearing the water so peacefully travel. It is a very calm and peaceful sound.
We all have "stones" in our life. We have things that make our lives difficult. There are people in our lives no matter how hard we try to change them we can't, we just have to deal with them and work around them. (kind of like the flower bed). We have things in our past that have been forgiven, but the consequence still remains because of our choice. They become a part of our life. We also have times in our past that we can look back on that left a mark, sort of like a stone marker can make. It can be something wonderful and life changing or it can also be something we really learned a valuable lesson on. We would love to have a life without any bumps or "stones" in them. You have heard people say, they are really on a rocky road right now. No one likes to live like that. We like when things are in control and predictable. But you know what, those stones are there for a reason. Some are to remind us to never make that mistake again. Some are to help others. Some are simply to help us appreciate the good and smooth sailing type days. If we didn't have the stones, our lives would be boring. Remember the stones are what make the streams sing and play that beautiful sound. The sound that some people buy Cd's of to help them fall asleep. Those stones are important. I believe that if we were completely honest with ourselves, the times in our life that seemed rocky, we also grew the most. Some stones can be removed, some are made to go around, while others are meant to climb. It is during the journey that matters, we are slowly changing and becoming stronger. So the next time you come across a "stone" in your path, it will make you a stronger person in the end. Who knows you may even sing a different tune after your experience.
I have a positive thought however, to stones. I recently heard someone say, "stones are what makes the noise in the streams". I realized in that moment the truth of that statement. Without the stones there wouldn't be anything to make noise as the water flowed past it. It would simply be quiet. Stones give us some of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Can you imagine sitting by a little brook and never hearing the trickling of the water? While on a recent walk I came across a very small stream, I could have jumped across it. It was full of stones and rocks. They were in all different sizes and different shapes. One of the bigger ones caused a small waterfall. You know what, I loved just standing there and hearing the water so peacefully travel. It is a very calm and peaceful sound.
We all have "stones" in our life. We have things that make our lives difficult. There are people in our lives no matter how hard we try to change them we can't, we just have to deal with them and work around them. (kind of like the flower bed). We have things in our past that have been forgiven, but the consequence still remains because of our choice. They become a part of our life. We also have times in our past that we can look back on that left a mark, sort of like a stone marker can make. It can be something wonderful and life changing or it can also be something we really learned a valuable lesson on. We would love to have a life without any bumps or "stones" in them. You have heard people say, they are really on a rocky road right now. No one likes to live like that. We like when things are in control and predictable. But you know what, those stones are there for a reason. Some are to remind us to never make that mistake again. Some are to help others. Some are simply to help us appreciate the good and smooth sailing type days. If we didn't have the stones, our lives would be boring. Remember the stones are what make the streams sing and play that beautiful sound. The sound that some people buy Cd's of to help them fall asleep. Those stones are important. I believe that if we were completely honest with ourselves, the times in our life that seemed rocky, we also grew the most. Some stones can be removed, some are made to go around, while others are meant to climb. It is during the journey that matters, we are slowly changing and becoming stronger. So the next time you come across a "stone" in your path, it will make you a stronger person in the end. Who knows you may even sing a different tune after your experience.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
What He didn't say...
A couple years ago, I was told by my family doctor that I have the early stages of arthritis. I went to physical therapy and came home with a list of exercises that would help. I was to do them three times a week. I have been pretty faithful at doing them each week. They did help for awhile. A few weeks ago, I slipped on some black ice and after two weeks of still not feeling right, I went to my doctor. Unfortunately, the arthritis is getting worse. He told me I now need to consider some form of exercise five days a week. Also, my hands are starting to show possible signs. This means I need to gradually put away the counted cross-stitch and knitting. I am not going to lie, not words I was expecting nor wanting to hear. I asked, "what if I choose not to do this"? He smiled at me and told me what I needed to hear to get the seriousness of this, "Sue, you are more than welcome to come to the nursing home with me today as I do my rounds and see first hand what you will look like sooner than you want, if you don't". Simply put, I will not be getting out of a chair when I am in my 60's because it will simply be too painful. This blog post isn't a time for me to spill my guts, nor complain. We all have stuff, life has its changes. I am just sharing what caused me to stop and realize, what he didn't say.
Yes, I have to some how fit an extra hour or more into my schedule five days a week to go to the gym and swim, ride a bike, or walk, walk, walk.... Yes, I LOVE to stitch or knit, have done it all my adult life. But while having a pity party for myself I realized:
He didn't say it was terminal. He didn't say I couldn't take pictures anymore with my camera. He didn't say I have to stop baking and using my hands to make pies, cookies, and apple dumplings. He didn't say I have to stop reading. He didn't say I need to start on medicines that have awful side effects.
He said I need to make some life changes. Why, to improve the quality of life.
This got me thinking about what scripture says. God didn't say my earthly body will last forever, matter fact, I get a new one for eternity. My body is suppose to be showing signs of age (mine a bit early), but age it will. God didn't say I will live forever on earth, but He did say my soul will live forever with Him, if I choose to trust His Son. He has a place already planned for me and you!
Attitude is the key. After a good cry, some encouraging words from my wonderful husband, and time with God, I can say, I am thankful I have the opportunity to do these things and who knows who I will run into at the gym and share my love for Jesus with? Instead of focusing on what I need to give up, I am praising God for what I get to keep and what new things are coming my way and for what he didn't say.
Have you been given some sad news, are you frustrated at someone or do you feel like calling it quits? Did you think you already had enough to deal with and now there is more? Think back to what they didn't say instead of what they did say.
Two verses that I find comfort in right now are these: ~ Praise the Lord: praise God our Savior! For each day he carries us in his arms. Psalm 68:19 - He arms are strong enough to carry me, when I no longer can.
But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one. ~2 Thessalonians 3:3 - He will strengthen me.
I know some of you reading this are dealing with way, way more than arthritis and my heart hurts for you and your struggle. I don't have the right words, but I know God has the promise of always being by our side and willing to give us the strength our journey requires. He knew when we created me, this day would come. My appointment didn't catch him by surprise and He knew when he created you, this would be part of your journey. I want to encourage you to turn to Him for strength, peace and courage. He rarely shows up early, but I promise He is never late. I learned that years ago, but may save that for a future blog.
Yes, I have to some how fit an extra hour or more into my schedule five days a week to go to the gym and swim, ride a bike, or walk, walk, walk.... Yes, I LOVE to stitch or knit, have done it all my adult life. But while having a pity party for myself I realized:
He didn't say it was terminal. He didn't say I couldn't take pictures anymore with my camera. He didn't say I have to stop baking and using my hands to make pies, cookies, and apple dumplings. He didn't say I have to stop reading. He didn't say I need to start on medicines that have awful side effects.
He said I need to make some life changes. Why, to improve the quality of life.
This got me thinking about what scripture says. God didn't say my earthly body will last forever, matter fact, I get a new one for eternity. My body is suppose to be showing signs of age (mine a bit early), but age it will. God didn't say I will live forever on earth, but He did say my soul will live forever with Him, if I choose to trust His Son. He has a place already planned for me and you!
Attitude is the key. After a good cry, some encouraging words from my wonderful husband, and time with God, I can say, I am thankful I have the opportunity to do these things and who knows who I will run into at the gym and share my love for Jesus with? Instead of focusing on what I need to give up, I am praising God for what I get to keep and what new things are coming my way and for what he didn't say.
Have you been given some sad news, are you frustrated at someone or do you feel like calling it quits? Did you think you already had enough to deal with and now there is more? Think back to what they didn't say instead of what they did say.
Two verses that I find comfort in right now are these: ~ Praise the Lord: praise God our Savior! For each day he carries us in his arms. Psalm 68:19 - He arms are strong enough to carry me, when I no longer can.
But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one. ~2 Thessalonians 3:3 - He will strengthen me.
I know some of you reading this are dealing with way, way more than arthritis and my heart hurts for you and your struggle. I don't have the right words, but I know God has the promise of always being by our side and willing to give us the strength our journey requires. He knew when we created me, this day would come. My appointment didn't catch him by surprise and He knew when he created you, this would be part of your journey. I want to encourage you to turn to Him for strength, peace and courage. He rarely shows up early, but I promise He is never late. I learned that years ago, but may save that for a future blog.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
My Favorite Things...
The days have been cold and windy here. I can't wait for sunshine and color on the horizon. I decided to go through some of my picture files and post a "few" of my favorite things. I have decided to stick with a nature theme for this one. Didn't want to post people pictures without their consent. So, please know that my family would be on the top of my list. As I looked through my files, I was reminded of what was happening when the pictures were taken and how blessed I am by God. A lot of these pictures were taken in my backyard. What are a few of the things you are thankful for? Thank Him today for His Creation and the finest detail He puts in things from the smallest to the largest.
Sunrise at the Beach - some great alone time with my Creator!
Ducklings! I raised one when I was a child and will always love them. |
Saturday, March 2, 2013
As a Deer....
My eyes recently fell on the verses from Psalms 42. I am reminded of the deer and how it needs water to survive, as do we. But this verse isn't saying just a quick drink and then on its way. I picture something has frightened the deer or has been chasing it and it is desperate for a drink. So much so, that it LONGS for a drink. What are things you long for in life, a bigger home, a better job, nicer clothes, a new car, people to love you or maybe a dream vacation? Our Savior wants you to long for him. He really is the only thing that can quench the thirst in us. He is the only One who can offer us living water.
I read this verse in several different translations and want to share three of them with you.
As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. ~Psalm 42:1-2 ESV
As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. ~Psalm 42:1-2 NLT
Just like a deer that craves streams of water, my whole being craves you, God. My whole being thirsts for God, for the living God. ~Psalm 42:1-2 CEV
As you can see, the writer wants us to see our desperate need for God. Not just when our life has time for Him, or when we need something. Not when we just casually have time for Him, but searching, craving, longing, for Him.
I can't say enough that God desires relationship with us. So much so, He left the glories of Heaven to come to the sin filled earth, to pay the price He knew ahead of time, we could never pay. So, rather than us be completely separated forever, He came to save us.
I pray that you are desperate for Him. I crave His Word, and love to listen and hear that still quiet voice of the Holy Spirit. Do you too? As you go about your day, week, month, spend time with Him. He wants to help us on the rough journey of life.
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