Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What He didn't say...

A couple years ago, I was told by my family doctor that I have the early stages of arthritis. I went to physical therapy and came home with a list of exercises that would help. I was to do them three times a week. I have been pretty faithful at doing them each week. They did help for awhile. A few weeks ago, I slipped on some black ice and after two weeks of still not feeling right, I went to my doctor. Unfortunately, the arthritis is getting worse. He told me I now need to consider some form of exercise five days a week. Also, my hands are starting to show possible signs. This means I need to gradually put away the counted cross-stitch and knitting. I am not going to lie, not words I was expecting nor wanting to hear. I asked, "what if I choose not to do this"? He smiled at me and told me what I needed to hear to get the seriousness of this, "Sue, you are more than welcome to come to the nursing home with me today as I do my rounds and see first hand what you will look like sooner than you want, if you don't". Simply put, I will not be getting out of a chair when I am in my 60's because it will simply be too painful. This blog post isn't a time for me to spill my guts, nor complain. We all have stuff, life has its changes. I am just sharing what caused me to stop and realize, what he didn't say.

Yes, I have to some how fit an extra hour or more into my schedule five days a week to go to the gym and swim, ride a bike, or walk, walk, walk.... Yes, I LOVE to stitch or knit, have done it all my adult life. But while having a pity party for myself I realized:

He didn't say it was terminal. He didn't say I couldn't take pictures anymore with my camera. He didn't say I have to stop baking and using my hands to make pies, cookies, and apple dumplings. He didn't say I have to stop reading. He didn't say I need to start on medicines that have awful side effects.

He said I need to make some life changes. Why, to improve the quality of life.

This got me thinking about what scripture says. God didn't say my earthly body will last forever, matter fact, I get a new one for eternity. My body is suppose to be showing signs of age (mine a bit early), but age it will. God didn't say I will live forever on earth, but He did say my soul will live forever with Him, if I choose to trust His Son. He has a place already planned for me and you!

Attitude is the key. After a good cry, some encouraging words from my wonderful husband, and time with God, I can say, I am thankful I have the opportunity to do these things and who knows who I will run into at the gym and share my love for Jesus with? Instead of focusing on what I need to give up, I am praising God for what I get to keep and what new things are coming my way and for what he didn't say.

Have you been given some sad news, are you frustrated at someone or do you feel like calling it quits? Did you think you already had enough to deal with and now there is more? Think back to what they didn't say instead of what they did say.

Two verses that I find comfort in right now are these: ~ Praise the Lord: praise God our Savior! For each day he carries us in his arms. Psalm 68:19 - He arms are strong enough to carry me, when I no longer can.

But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one. ~2 Thessalonians 3:3 - He will strengthen me.

I know some of you reading this are dealing with way, way more than arthritis and my heart hurts for you and your struggle. I don't have the right words, but I know God has the promise of always being by our side and willing to give us the strength our journey requires. He knew when we created me, this day would come. My appointment didn't catch him by surprise and  He knew when he created you, this would be part of your journey. I want to encourage you to turn to Him for strength, peace and courage. He rarely shows up early, but I promise He is never late. I learned that years ago, but may save that for a future blog.


  1. I'm sorry Sue! This was a very timely devotional for me!

    1. Thanks Alica! I sensed last night I needed to sit down and type it out. I wasn't suppose to put it off. I also wasn't sure how much I wanted to say, but my fingers just started to fly on the keyboard. So I am glad I did. That is sort of how this devotional thing has been going for me. God plants a thought in my mind, and will not let it go until I type it out.

  2. Great post Sue! Can I sit and cry with you for a few minutes? You have responded in an incredible way - a great example of what God wants each of us to do when faced with hard news. You have turned to Him and He has given you the attitude needed. So many times we cry and complain to everyone else but never turn to God.
    Thanks for being obedient and letting God type this for you.
