Saturday, March 9, 2013

My Favorite Things...

The days have been cold and windy here. I can't wait for sunshine and color on the horizon. I decided to go through some of my picture files and post a "few" of my favorite things. I have decided to stick with a nature theme for this one. Didn't want to post people pictures without their consent. So, please know that my family would be on the top of my list. As I looked through my files, I was reminded of what was happening when the pictures were taken and how blessed I am by God. A lot of these pictures were taken in my backyard. What are a few of the things you are thankful for? Thank Him today for His Creation and the finest detail He puts in things from the smallest to the largest.

Sunrise at the Beach - some great alone time with my Creator!


Ducklings! I raised one when I was a child and will always love them.
Baltimore Aquarium and reminded of laughter. So glad I can laugh everyday at something!
Painted turtles ( also love box turtles)

Baby chicks (enjoy the adults size too)

When I see the butterfly I am reminded I am a NEW creation in Christ!

I love the pattern and color God put on the butterfly. They blend in well and can you imagine if they were all the same color?

Hummingbirds! They are tiny but FAST!

Bee in flight!

Robin Eggs

One of the first colors of Spring!

Rain drops on Roses...

 Yummy apple dumplings made from the apples off our apple trees.

Last but not least, Old Dogs. I have had several dogs in my life but this one wrapped herself tightly around my heart. Yes, I love the puppy stage, who doesn't, but it is in the later years we appreciate their companionship and loyalty the most. She taught me what loyalty means and what it looks like.

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