Saturday, May 4, 2013


I have a poem on my refridgerator that has been there for years. The corners of the paper are curled and colored, but the words are still very clear. I am not sure where I came across it, but it is so true. I have included it in my post. It was written by Mother Teresa.


People are often unreasonable and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse
you of ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.

If you are honest, people may cheat you.
Be honest anyway.

If you find happiness, people may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough.
Give your best anyway.

For you see, in the end,
It is between you and God.
It never was between you and them anyway.

Mother Teresa
As you just read, people are still very self-centered today. They only care about themselves and what they can gain or do to make their lives better. They don't care who it effects or what it costs you, only if they are okay. We still need to forgive them. If someone sees your honest, they may try to use you, remember God sees your heart and they do not. Satan is the Father of lies. We need to still be honest. We may give our best, try our hardest and do what is right and still be rejected by the world, but the beauty is, it was never between you and the world. It was between you and God.

Over 2,000 years ago, Christ came to the earth. He was laughed at, ignored, hated, high priests were jealous of Him, His brothers didn't believe in him until after his death, he was whipped, he was denied, he was alone and he never owned a home of his own. He had an unfair trial that shouldn't have even happened in the first place to only then be found sentenced to death. When the people were given a choice between his release or a known criminal, they chose the criminal! He had spent weeks with them, loving them, healing them, teaching them, being kind to them, forgiving them, and in return they chose the criminal!  But you see, it was never between him and the world. It was between him and the Father and the price that had to be paid for our sins. He still was honest, he still was happy, I believe he laughed with the children, he still did good and he gave his best, but above all He gives forgiveness anyway.

Who are the people in your life you need to forgive, be kind to, or do your best? What situation do you need to be happy in anyway? May you find the strength to do so this week. Remember, Christ is waiting to give us the ability to do just that. The world can't offer it. You can never buy it. You will never be able to do it on your own. When we receive Christ we receive the abililty through the Holy Spirit to have love,  joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. ~Galatians 5:22-23.

So regardless of what the world says, it isn't between you and them, it's between you and God. They won't stand with you on judgement day. It will only be you and Him. Because it was only between you and Him anyway.

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