Friday, May 31, 2013

My Dog Snoopy.....

Okay, I couldn't resist. I had to share my pictures from last night. This isn't my usual devotional type post. This is an update from a few weeks ago, about how God answers our prayers. I would love a dog some day and I am trusting God on the timing of that. However, while I am waiting, He has given me Snoops. Last night I was sitting in my lawn chair taking pictures of a bluebird, or at least trying and he was by my side as this picture shows.

This was working nicely. When all of a sudden something huge and dangerous caught his eyes and to "protect" me, he took off to check it out. The pictures that follow tell the story.

I think he may be a bit ADHD......a bird flew over and he had to watch to see where it went. Okay, you are still asking so what was so scary? What could harm me? Are you ready? we go.

Yup a huge black and yellow bumble bee! He sat for a long time just watching and batting at it. I can't believe he didn't get stung.  I did manage to get a few bluebird pictures. They are raising young in our backyard. I hope to catch the babies when they take flight. It was getting too dark for anymore pictures, but Snoops helped me plant sunflower seeds for future sunflowers. He was so patient and followed me as I gradually made my way around the barns. He seemed fascinated that I can dig in the dirt too......I love my cats. I never thought I would say that. But they really are sweet.

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