Friday, June 28, 2013

Detours and Details

Detours: We all have experienced them. We usually sigh or become frustrated when we see the sign. We usually don't have time for them. Usually we see "Road Construction" signs first and then the detours. Most detours followed carefully will take us right back to the spot we were trying to get to before we were sent another direction. Sometimes a sign is missed and we end up at the other part of town if we don't know where we are going.

This week, while going to an appointment with my daughters, we saw traffic backed up for a long distance. I said, "remind me when we leave, we want to go another way". We did just that. The appointment was at a location neither one of them had been to before, and since they are still learning how to navigate with driving, I decided to test them a bit. I asked them how they would have gotten home if I wasn't along. They both decided going through downtown would have been their choice. So, we headed downtown. We didn't get very far, when one of my daughter's said,"hey that is the way Dad said I should go tonight when leaving for camp". She would be picking up a few friends and having to go through the city to get the route number she wanted. We no sooner saw that, when we saw "Road Closed". Detour. Her heart sank. She became very concerned what she was going to do. She didn't know another way to go. Only the way her dad told her to go. I told her to relax and remember I was driving and I knew how to get us home. I even told her, we had extra time, lets follow the detour signs and see where they go. She liked that idea and we followed. They brought us right out to the spot she needed and she felt much better knowing it would be fine. I smiled at her and said, you know what, I just got my thought for this week's blog.

We normally wouldn't have gone to that branch office, but it fit the time slot we were in so we picked it. We would never have gone through the city, but there was some sort of traffic issue. I call those things, God Appointments. God knew my daughter would need to be on that same road in a few short hours, with friends and she wouldn't have known what to do. He knew having her go through with me as a test run would help her relax and be ready for later that night.

God takes us on detours. Sometimes we don't know why they happen. We plan our day, we study for tests, we prepare for responsibilities, we have done all we knew to do, yet on the day we are to go, a detour. The detour could be the car doesn't start, you wake up sick, your meeting you planned for weeks, is cancelled, or maybe a friend/family calls and needs your urgent help so you cancel.  There are many detours. How do we respond to the detours He places in front of us? Do we sigh, become frustrated and angry? Or do we recognized as He has promised in His word to us, He knows the plans He has for us and He knows the things we will say and do before said and done by us?

Another reminder I had this week, is that God is always in the details. As I have written before, I have chickens. This week, I had to sell a few that were getting older. I wasn't looking forward to this, but knew it needed to be done and I knew families would be blessed with food. So, this week, was the week. Five of the eight that I sold I knew had to go, because of age and lack of laying. The other three I had to choose. I was not looking forward to having to catch them and taking them out, but as I said, it had to be done. Two of three were bad. They would fight or break eggs. I knew who they were and marked them with bands, but catching them among 24 others was not going to be easy. I prayed and asked God to help me do this. He knows my heart and the love I have for his animals, yet, I know animals are also a source of food. I also asked Him to help me "catch" the right ones. Some of you may think that is silly to ask God for help like that. God has much more important things than chickens. God is more concerned with the lost. God is working on world issues. All that is true, but you know what, He is also our Heavenly Father and He cares about the smallest details of our life. He wants to help us, no matter the size of the request.  I have learned the little prayers that He has answered, made the biggest growth in my relationship with him. I woke up several times during the early morning worried about how I was going to do this. As I headed to the hen house, I prayed again and felt peace. You know what, when I walked in the two I dreaded the most, were sitting in the nesting boxes! All I had to do was reach in and take them out. No chasing, no stressing, no worrying. I still hated to see them go, but God helped me let go and realize the bigger picture. He does care about the details. He makes us have special interests, talents and gifts. He doesn't give them to punish us or make life difficult. He helps us in the weakest part of our gifts/strengths. I love animals, I hate to see them die, but I understand the cycle of life and I understand it needs done. He was there in the details of my morning. He was also in the details at church this week. Each night I helped with a camp for kids. Each day we had 90 degree weather that left me tired and have some sort of headache, but I had committed to it and knew I needed to be there. You know what, every night, when I opened that door, I felt better and made it through the night with no issues. I know He was giving me the strength to do it. He is in the details.

My challenge to you this week is do you look for God in the detours and trust Him with the details, regardless of the size of the situation?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lightning Bugs

I love lightning bugs, don't you! Don't you feel like a kid when you see them start to appear in the night sky? The story I am going to share today, happened last summer. It is what is responsible for my devotional blog. I briefly spoke about it on my first entry and since then I have been asked about it and decided to post it as this week's entry. 

It was a warm summer day and the sunset was extra beautiful. To me a sunset is God's way of saying: "good-night, see you in the morning!".

I was sitting on a small hill and watching the sky. I was by myself and reflecting on the day. I was spellbound at all that was happening. The sky was getting dark and the bugs were starting to sing their songs, the corn and wheat looked so pretty against the night sky. It was so dark, I asked myself, why are you still sitting here, there is nothing to see, yet, the sounds of the crickets seemed to keep me there. Then it started to happen. The lightning bugs started to take flight and light up. At first, I could have counted them, then after awhile, the fields were full of them. I lost count. As I sat there alone I remembered how when our kids were small, they would catch them to show to me. They were so excited they could catch them and hold them for awhile or put them in glass jars. They would cup them in their little hands and then peak inside to see them glow.

I pondered to myself, I wonder if that is what God sees when He looks down on His creation? It is full of so much darkness. So much hate, sadness, fighting, killing, etc.We have become a selfish people. I pictured Him and Jesus looking down and seeing all the darkness, and wondering does anyone care anymore? But then one by one, little lights start showing up everywhere. Just as the field did to me. It didn't look so dark anymore when they looked out across their Creation, each light that showed up was one more that believed in Him. For when we believe in Him, we shine His light in us. Is that how Earth looks? One by one we tell someone about Jesus and they accept Him and they begin to glow with His love and presence and then they tell someone, and so on. I picture Jesus leaning over to God and saying, there is one that believes, and there is another one, oh, look, one more and even smiling.

In the year since that experience I have realized why I was suppose to stay out so long, I had to wait until it was dark enough to really see the glow of the lightning bugs. I don't look at them the same way anyone. I also reflected on a deeper level. We can hide in the darkness, we can become a part of the darkness. We can even blend in at times. However, darkness can be a scary time. Think about when the electric goes out. Aren't you so relieved when you find a candle or flashlight and that small flicker of light, lights up the entire room? It doesn't matter the size of the room, a small candle can light up a huge area.  Also, those bugs once lit, can attract the enemy and they can be eaten. They are risking being seen when they light up.

Are you willing to be seen in this dark world? Are you willing to shine and make Satan furious?  Are you shining your light, no matter where you are, no matter how much darkness you feel around you? I am reminded of a song from my childhood, "This Little Light of Mine". We sing that song, promising to let our light shine and to not let Satan blow it out. If Satan has tried to blow it out, or you feel you aren't shining as brightly as you were meant to be, ask Jesus to make the light brighter. He will give you the courage and strength to shine. You never know who you may meet today, that has been in the darkness too long, and just needs a bit of light in their life. It may be a smile, it may be sitting and simply listening, letting them go first in line, praying for them and telling them you are doing so, or it may even be sharing the reason you glow with them, by sharing what Jesus has done for you.

May you shine brightly this week! If you have time and live on the East Coast, take a blanket outside tonight and just watch all the lightning bugs in your yard or drive on a country road, you will see them I promise. Are you lighting up the sky around you, just as they are? Remember the more of us glowing together will stand out in the darkness. One light at a time!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Pea Patch

I love gardening. I love this time of year when the first of the garden crops are starting to come in. I love the soft dirt between my toes and the bright colors of the veggies growing. I also love the quietness of the garden. I get lost in time when I am out there. It is behind the barn and out of the day to day traffic. I usually put on my ear buds and play my favorite music while picking. I like to set my iPod to "shuffle" and then I get an assortment of songs. I have songs that take me back to when I was a child, current hits and then the praise and worship songs, that cause me to stop what I am doing and just thank God for who He is.

Tuesday night after checking the garden, I noticed the peas were ready for their first picking. My husband helped me put a fence up so the picking would be easier on my back with my arthritis. I was ready for fresh peas.

I went on the outside of the fence first and worked my way around the entire outside. Then I started working on the inside of the two rows. I was enjoying my time so much and enjoying all the sights while picking. The birds were singing and even a robin was sitting on top of the tomato stake and watching me. She seemed so happy to be joining me in the garden.

Look how straight and tall the plants are and full of blooms, which means many more peas will be coming. I was on my last turn and ready to reach into the top part of the stalk, when to my surprise this is what caught my eye....

I was scared at first, because my hand almost touched it. But once I realized what it was, I wanted to hold it.  Then I realized it was more scared of me. It wanted so bad for me to keep moving past it, just like I had done earlier. I now understood why the robin was sitting so close to me and watching my every move. She wasn't there to see me or worms from the garden. She was there watching over her prized possession.

The thoughts that went through my mind were what I want to share with you. As I reflected on going to the garden and checking the peas, then coming back with my bucket, then picking and moving the fence a bit since the wind had caused it to lean a little, that tiny bird was there the whole time. I thought I had looked closely at the peas and I missed it so many times. How many times do I look at a situation and think I am seeing all there is to see? I make decisions, choices and even judgements based on what I see. But am I really seeing the whole picture. If you look at the second picture you will see the robin is there, but hiding very well. Are there times I see glimpes of God at work, yet I don't look how closely He is in the details? We may think that what we see, is ALL there is to see, yet, if we had to admit it, we were blind to the details he was working out. I had something this week that I had decided was going to be a no answer, but realized there was one more piece to the puzzle before God was going to give me the final answer. I assumed based on what I had before me and didn't fully do my part of the work. I was the missing piece and had to take ownership in some of the things. The answer I assumed was no, turned out to be a yes.  There were just some things that had to be done on my part before He could say yes.

The other part I thought about was, that mother was watching quietly and patiently. She must have sensed I didn't see her young, because she remained quiet but watchful. God is always watching over us, He may seem quiet at times, but He is still watching. We mean so much more to Him than that baby robin meant to its mother. She will simply have another batch. She will continue to do that. You, however, are not replaceable. You, were thoughtout and sought after and even bought for a price. You mean more to Him than anything. So, I want to encourage you, if  the picture before you looks dim or that the answer you begged for is no, remember you may not be seeing the whole picture. The answer may still come back no, but you will see better why it is no. No - sometimes means the time isn't right, the situation isn't in your best interest, or you need to check your reason for asking in the first place. But regardless on the response, you can know this for sure, He is watching over you and protecting you, even if you don't feel it. If you have time this week, read Psalm 139 in your favorite bible translation, I recommend New Living Translation, but what ever is your favorite, will be what is best. Insert your name in the verses if you need to be reminded just how much you are loved and planned for. Read it several times or until it really sinks into your soul.

If you have a vegetable garden, be on the lookout for hidden treasures. We serve a God that likes to surprise us every now and then, just because He can. If you don't have a garden, trust me, He still has hidden treasures for you, but are you looking....

Happy treasure hunting!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Anniversaries: We all have them. It is the marks in time that we look back on and remember an event. It could be the time you moved into your own home, it could be a wedding, it could be when you quit a habit, and sadly it could be when you maybe lost a love one. Regardless of what makes it an anniversary, we all have one. That moment in time, when time itself seemed to stop and our memory was forever marked with that date. Do you have anniversaries? Ones you share with family and friends? Ones that you share privately with yourself and God. I have a very important anniversary coming up and every time of year when it approaches I have such mixed emotions. I have learned to celebrate them and embrace them. It is just a little over a month away. The date was July 17th, 1995. My life was exactly how I wanted it and I was completely in control. I laid down for a nap and when I woke up, my life changed for ever. In a blink of an eye as the saying goes. I was admitted to the hospital that evening and in less then 24 hours I had to make decisions, I pray no one ever has to make. I went from working a full time job and living life as I wanted it , to laying in a bed unsure when my feet would ever touch the floor again. I remained hospitalized for 3 months. I developed a blood clot that has left permanent damage. I will not take time to retell my story, God has been having me do that more and more lately and I praise Him for it. I am scheduled to tell it again this Sunday to our youth and would greatly appreciate your prayers. I don't mind speaking, I love it actually, it is the time between now and then that makes me nervous. My story has a wonderful ending. Through all the ups and downs and twists and turns, I have two beautiful daughters who are such a blessing to me and my husband. That made it all worth it. But you know there is something that came out of the experience that I will never forget and that is why the anniversary is so special. You see, when I had everything I ever wanted taken from me and all that was left was just me and God, I realized that is more than enough. More than anything this world can and will offer. I realized life is short, I control nothing and I own nothing. He controls all things and owns all things. He has given me free will yes, but He still is in control. I have learned to not hold onto "things so tightly" anymore. I have learned to trust Him for what He feels is best, even if His best for me is not what I think I want because at the time it looks hard or difficult.

When this date approaches every year I am thankful of a life changed and what God did to get me to see that while He died for me and saved me, He also wanted a relationship with me. I was in relationship with things of this world and thought that is what brought me happiness. I couldn't have been more wrong or blind. As I prepared for this week to share, it brought up many memories and so I think that is why I felt today's post needed to be about this topic. Do you have a time in your life that you remember an event from the past. Each time you write that date you are taken back in time? For me, I am reminded if He could do that then, I know He can do this now. Not only was my life changed, but I was able to see miracles happen. Our daughters were given a 10% chance to live and that most likely would have been with birth defects and issues. Those same sweet babies have grown into adults who have nothing wrong. When I see them laugh and enjoying life, my mind drifts back to a time when I felt so scared and alone. I had to decide which one I wanted to live and which one may possibly die. I had to decide to listen to the doctors advice and stay in bed and doing nothing for weeks and months. I had to turn them over to God and trust His plan was perfect. Even if that meant holding them while they took their first and last breaths in my arms. I didn't know how things would work out. I had to trust day by day and sometimes hour by hour. You may be doing the same right now with a situation in your life. I had to come to a place that I trusted and accepted whatever outcome He felt was best. It was by far the most difficult thing I have ever had to do. My story ends well, but I had to accept that it may not. That my friend is true peace. Being willing to accept the circumstances that are out of our control and finding joy in them. The Apostle Paul wrote about these types of things many, many times. I pray you are enjoying your anniversaries and finding peace in the difficult ones. 

One final thought, as my anniversary comes around I often find time that day to look back on the pictures and the memories. I believe God wants us to do those types of things and share our stories with others. The children of Israel were to keep telling each generation the miracles He had performed. They were to pass that down. It only takes one generation to break the cycle and we see that happening in the Old Testament, how they would walk away from God and then one would rise up that would turn them back. I want to encourage you to share with your family and friends the good things He is doing in your life as well as the struggles He is helping you through. We need to encourage one another and remind each other the good things He has done. Day by day, one way or another we will get through.

With our daughters blessings, I have included some pictures for you to see. Celebrate with me a good thing He has done!

This was taken when they were 7 days old. The item in front of them was a large pen. Helps you see the size we were dealing with.

A year later.....

 Now, all grown up into the beautiful women God had planned from day one. I am honored to be their mom and I can't wait to see what God has planned. He already knows, I just get to enjoy it while it unfolds.