I love lightning bugs, don't you! Don't you feel like a kid when you see them start to appear in the night sky? The story I am going to share today, happened last summer. It is what is responsible for my devotional blog. I briefly spoke about it on my first entry and since then I have been asked about it and decided to post it as this week's entry.
It was a warm summer day and the sunset was extra beautiful. To me a sunset is God's way of saying: "good-night, see you in the morning!".
I was sitting on a small hill and watching the sky. I was by myself and reflecting on the day. I was spellbound at all that was happening. The sky was getting dark and the bugs were starting to sing their songs, the corn and wheat looked so pretty against the night sky. It was so dark, I asked myself, why are you still sitting here, there is nothing to see, yet, the sounds of the crickets seemed to keep me there. Then it started to happen. The lightning bugs started to take flight and light up. At first, I could have counted them, then after awhile, the fields were full of them. I lost count. As I sat there alone I remembered how when our kids were small, they would catch them to show to me. They were so excited they could catch them and hold them for awhile or put them in glass jars. They would cup them in their little hands and then peak inside to see them glow.
I pondered to myself, I wonder if that is what God sees when He looks down on His creation? It is full of so much darkness. So much hate, sadness, fighting, killing, etc.We have become a selfish people. I pictured Him and Jesus looking down and seeing all the darkness, and wondering does anyone care anymore? But then one by one, little lights start showing up everywhere. Just as the field did to me. It didn't look so dark anymore when they looked out across their Creation, each light that showed up was one more that believed in Him. For when we believe in Him, we shine His light in us. Is that how Earth looks? One by one we tell someone about Jesus and they accept Him and they begin to glow with His love and presence and then they tell someone, and so on. I picture Jesus leaning over to God and saying, there is one that believes, and there is another one, oh, look, one more and even smiling.
In the year since that experience I have realized why I was suppose to stay out so long, I had to wait until it was dark enough to really see the glow of the lightning bugs. I don't look at them the same way anyone. I also reflected on a deeper level. We can hide in the darkness, we can become a part of the darkness. We can even blend in at times. However, darkness can be a scary time. Think about when the electric goes out. Aren't you so relieved when you find a candle or flashlight and that small flicker of light, lights up the entire room? It doesn't matter the size of the room, a small candle can light up a huge area. Also, those bugs once lit, can attract the enemy and they can be eaten. They are risking being seen when they light up.
Are you willing to be seen in this dark world? Are you willing to shine and make Satan furious? Are you shining your light, no matter where you are, no matter how much darkness you feel around you? I am reminded of a song from my childhood, "This Little Light of Mine". We sing that song, promising to let our light shine and to not let Satan blow it out. If Satan has tried to blow it out, or you feel you aren't shining as brightly as you were meant to be, ask Jesus to make the light brighter. He will give you the courage and strength to shine. You never know who you may meet today, that has been in the darkness too long, and just needs a bit of light in their life. It may be a smile, it may be sitting and simply listening, letting them go first in line, praying for them and telling them you are doing so, or it may even be sharing the reason you glow with them, by sharing what Jesus has done for you.
May you shine brightly this week! If you have time and live on the East Coast, take a blanket outside tonight and just watch all the lightning bugs in your yard or drive on a country road, you will see them I promise. Are you lighting up the sky around you, just as they are? Remember the more of us glowing together will stand out in the darkness. One light at a time!
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