Saturday, September 28, 2013

Have you laughed lately?

When was the last time you laughed so hard your face hurt? Or you couldn’t catch your breath? This past week, I saw a friend I hadn’t seen for a long time and we were visiting with each other. One thing led to another and we began sharing stories. The tears were starting to come. Then later in the evening we were messaging each other and this time, it seemed to be even more funny, and I could barely catch my breath. It was the type laughter that makes you shake all over. Laughter, I once heard, is good for you, because it massages the heart. Well, my heart was very massaged, till we both logged off the internet. I reflected on the conversation the next day while sharing with others and even then I was still laughing. It felt so good. Do you have friends or family in your life that make you laugh like that? I don’t mean a chuckle and a smile on your face, but the kind that causes you to not be able to stand up and are bent over laughing? Do we take time to do those things? Should we take time to do those things? Or is that a time waster?

Last Sunday, while getting ready for church, I left my beloved Maggs outside for a few minutes while I checked the chickens and fed the cats. When I came out of the henhouse, I immediately knew something was wrong. Her tail was straight up and head down at an angle. As I got closer, I was shocked at what I saw. She was in a mud puddle, from the storm we had the night before. She was digging and digging. Mud was flying everywhere. She looked up at me and if she could speak English, she would have said, “you look so angry, what seems to be the problem?” She was having the time of her life! She didn’t want to leave the mud hole. She didn’t care she looked a mess, and she certainly didn’t care I was wearing a white shirt and getting ready to leave. She looked up at me with pitiful eyes. I had a choice to make. Discipline her so it never happened again. Pen her up so she couldn’t get in it anymore. Or I could simply sit beside her and let her have fun. I did just that. She had the time of her life. She dug so hard and fast, she was actually out of breath. Once she got finished, she brought out a treasure…..a rock. She laid it by her feet and began to relax. I went and got the camera. I rinsed her off and she loved that too, because next to her family, is anything that deals with water.

Why didn’t I make her stop you ask? You see, I saw something different in her eyes that day. She wasn’t trying to be bad. She wasn’t trying to get away with something she knew was wrong. She simply was having fun. I learned in that moment, we get so busy with “stuff”. Good stuff mind you. But stuff. We don’t take time to play, laugh, or have fun. We seem to think, some day, all the stuff with slow down and that is when we will just relax and have fun. Do we really take time to laugh and play?

Two verses I came across that help me with this is: Ecc. 3:4 “A time to cry and a time to laugh.” Also, Matthew 19:14 – “But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”

Christ in his ministry here on earth was constantly dealing with people. Teaching, healing, praying, and leading by example. The crowds followed him wherever he went. But when the children came to him, he didn’t chase them away. I know that this verse has more of a deeper meaning and lesson for us adults. But picture that verse happening, before it was recorded. Picture a bunch of little kids running and jumping on his lap. Picture the giggles and squeals of laughter. They must have trusted him, or they would have stayed by their parents side. I picture the Creator of the World, laughing His head off with those kids. I picture the stress of the day, just washing away while they climbed all over him. I don’t recall too many times in my life, when around a small child, not laughing at something they did or said. I love this moment in scripture. If God, as the Creator, created us with the  ability to laugh, I believe He himself can laugh at times. I know it is hard to do. We think of him as being in control of all things, which He is. And this would make you picture someone who is always serious. So, to think of Him laughing, just seems to not be how we picture him.  Yet, why not? I think He took time to laugh with his disciples and with his family.

So, at the beginning of today’s post, I asked you if you take time to laugh and should we take time? Yes, indeed we should. I pray you have opportunity this week to do just that. You know what, if we take time to laugh and do those things that make us relax, we can get through the stressful stuff much easier. I had some stressful moments this week, did you? When was the last time you laughed so hard your face hurt or you couldn’t catch your breath? Or maybe it has been years since you made mud pies....Maggie would help if you need any! Maybe you have a favorite movie that just makes you really laugh, blow the dust off the cover and watch it this weekend.  If you can’t remember the last time you did any of this, it is time my friend to do it again. (We have plenty of mud if you need any....)

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Exodus 16:4 ~ The LORD said to Moses, “Look, I’m going to rain down food from heaven for you. Each day the people can go out and pick up as much food as they need for that day. I will test them in this to see whether or not they will follow my instructions.”

Exodus 16:13 That evening vast numbers of quail flew in and covered the camp. And the next morning the area around the camp was wet with dew. When the dew evaporated, a flaky substance as fine as frost blanketed the ground.

Today is Thursday, and as I was getting ready to start my day, I felt myself “remind” God, that I write my posts on Thursdays and I still don’t know what I am to write….Keep in mind, this is my 38th week and I have never been without a topic to write. The way the process works is beautiful and I have come to depend on it. This week, however, I only had bits and pieces and nothing really had come together yet. I decided I was going to trust Him and keep my eyes/ears on extra alert to make sure I knew what I was to write. To be honest, a bit of pride was creeping in with the thought of what if I don’t have anything….

As I came down the steps an hour earlier than usual, because we are having some work done in the house and the crew was coming early, I left the dog out and what I saw took my breath away and the thoughts simply flooded my soul. What I saw was tiny little raindrops of dew on each blade of grass that were highlighted by the early morning sunrise. If I had waited to come down an hour later, I would have missed it. As if that wasn’t enough, I turned my head towards the stream and yes, there were two ducks swimming peacefully up the stream. You see, God knows I have a thing for ducks. I always have and I always will. They are right up there with dogs for me. Those ducks were an extra gift meant just for me.

Back to what God reminded me of this morning…the dew on the ground. I immediately turned around and got the camera. These are the images I was able to capture.

The two Mallard ducks swimming up the stream.

The Lord reminded me the children of Israel were to gather each morning the manna they needed for that day. It came with the morning dew. When the dew dried off, the manna was left. They were to gather as much as they needed for one day. God provided, but they had to physically do their part.

Are their times in our lives where we want to know the whole picture or plan before we start? Are their times you hear what might happen and so you focus on that and wonder how you will ever get through that or hear of something someone else is going through and you say to yourself, “I could never do that, I am not strong like they are”? Well, I have news for you, God doesn’t expect you to! He has you go through it day by day and gives you just the right amount of strength for that day. He knows that some things would be way too much for us to handle all at once, but day by day, we can do it through Him. We also need to come to Him each day for the guidance, grace, mercy, forgiveness, you name it, needed for that day.

While leaning on the fence post to take my pictures, I was also reminded that wherever the morning sun shone, the prettier the dew was. It stood out more. I stood there in the quietness of the morning and just smiled. You see, don’t we look prettier when His Son shines through us, then when we try to stand on our own? The sun made things look so peaceful and enjoyable, and I think when we allow the SON to shine in us, the same thing could be said by others about us. We are more enjoyable to be around and we have a sense of peace this world and all the money in it, can’t buy.

I hated to leave, but my day was off to a start. For those few moments I felt so close to God. He also reminded me, He never leaves and He will be there or wherever I need Him. It is up to me to make time for Him. Day by day.

I walked away amazed and then asked for forgiveness for being amazed. Why you ask? I had no reason to be amazed. I had just prayed that He would show me what to write and in a matter of minutes I had the entire thing. I had watched and waited all week, nothing, so I started to doubt and worry what to write. Even though, He has always given me something to write. I still doubted.  He tells me in His Word, He hears me when I pray, He wants to give me what I need, when I need it. So, then why should I be amazed…because with all my faults and sinful nature, He never tires of me and still knows me personally and does things just to make me smile and trust Him more than I did before.

Today, I sort of felt like no matter what comes my way, We got this ~ He and I. I received some manna today. I didn’t bake it or boil it, I left it seep into my soul. He really does provide each day, just what I need. I just need to do my part and show up. What are you trusting Him to provide daily for you? What is your needed manna right now?

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Boundaries: What types of thoughts come to mind when you see that word? Maybe they remind you of sporting events and you need to stay within the boundary line for the game to continue. Maybe it marks property you own. Maybe you think of a line and you aren’t allowed to cross it. Or maybe it reminds you if you stay within the boundary you will be safe.

This week I have been babysitting my chickens in the evenings. We had to re-seed a small portion of our yard for new grass. Chickens and straw do not go well together. If they see it, they want to immediately scratch it up and there goes the new seed. So, I need to sit outside in the evening for about an hour, because that is all I can handle, and watch that they don’t cross the boundary. While sitting there last night with my trusted guard dog, and yes, chasing a few chickens, I was reminded that God gives me boundaries. The question I pondered, which help the time go by faster was, “how do I handle the boundaries I am given?”

Am I content with the lines God has drawn, or am I like a few of the chickens. Some will stay really close to the gate/fence and be very happy there. They feel safe. Some will venture out a bit further in search of their favorite grass, clover. Still others will go as far out as they can, without getting in the straw. Then there are about 2 or 3 out of 29 that need to cross the boundary and run in the straw.  Hmmmmm do I do that with God!? He has given me His Word and the Holy Spirit to warn me when I am getting too close to trouble. I know the boundary lines. I know what happens when I cross them. I know that they are there for my safety. Yet, I still sometimes cross them. Do I feel better once I do? No, it seemed better at the time, but once done, I wish I hadn’t. Then I thought about my reaction to the chickens when they got in the straw. Did I make chicken soup for dinner after catching a few in the straw… I simply picked them up and put them back where they needed to be. My heavenly Father does the same thing. I am sure there are times it seems I just am not going to learn and day after day, He needs to help me back. Just like a few of the chickens still want to cross the straw. It doesn’t matter that they have a TON of fresh green grass all over the place. It matters that the straw is different and looks fun to play in. It matters that I sit there and make them turn around. They would run out of daylight if they ate in the boundary area of grass, but they still want to see what the straw is all about. Sounds like the Garden of Eden. Sounds like me. Does it sound like you?

God has given us so much. It takes more than a lifetime to explore it. I have never heard of anyone who right before they died, said “you know, I traveled it all, explored it all, saw it all, did it all, so now I will die”. Yet, we still complain if we can’t have something or do something that someone else has. The cats and dog can walk across the grass just fine, but the chickens will ruin it, so for them, it is off limits.

My boundaries might not be your boundaries. God has them special designed for each of us. Then He also has some universal boundaries that are for all of us. The Garden of Eden is a perfect example. Adam and Eve had ALL they ever needed and on top of it they got evening visits with God! Yet, tell them they can’t have one item in the entire garden and you know what, they believed the lie they needed it and that what would happen as a result was simply not going to happen. I don’t think Eve could fathom what all that one decision would cause, yet, she still did it. We live today with the consequences. The bible gives us His commandments and teachings. When we don’t follow them, we are sinning. He also gives each of us a set of boundaries to keep us from sinning in addition to His commandments. He knows our strengths and our weaknesses. Some places, movies, activities, TV shows, lifestyles may work for some, but for others it would cause them to stumble and fall.

So, I leave you with this final thought.  What boundaries do you have? Are you staying within them and do you realize the boundaries are there for your safety and well-being? What consequences are you willing to take or pass down to cross those boundaries.  For every choice we make has a consequence, good or bad. Boundaries are there for a reason. Rather than wishing we had what was on the other side, lets start accepting and understanding why they are there and enjoy life within the boundaries. Are you feeling as though you are already outside looking in? Just confess it to Him and raise your arms, He is waiting and willing to pick you up and place you back in fold. That is what a Shepherd does for his flock.

 Guard Dog helping keep watch....
 Those that are just beside the fence, but not in the straw.
 She liked the safety of the gate.
 Small area of straw and seed that grab their attention.
Tons of clover.
 They love to eat this!
More to pick from, but notice only one eating within the boundary....
Still within boundary, but hoping for a chance at the straw when I am not looking.

When I left for a few minutes, three tried to get into the straw....
Working on a plan to distract me and the dog, so they can make a run for the straw!!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Would you make time?

I have had this thought running through my mind the past few weeks, so I am going to share it with you all. It is not Nature based as most of my posts are. It is a question I ponder about Time.

What if we knew we could see an author we always wanted to meet? What if a President was coming to the town you lived in, and you could get a ticket to see him or talk with him? Or what about the popular question you get as an ice breaker when joining a new group, “what famous person, living or dead, would you pick to talk with for the day?”. Maybe you are a music lover and your favorite singer is coming to a theatre near you. All these questions, lead to the same answer. You would go to your calendar and mark the date. You would tell your friends or even maybe get them a ticket too, so they could join you. Or maybe if you were being completely honest with yourself, when you see on the news that some famous person was going to have their wedding on TV, would you watch it?

Nothing is wrong with saying yes to any of the questions. I, myself, have done all these things. I have gone to many concerts and even gotten autographs. I have seen two past Presidents of the United States, rather close. I have heard high profile political leaders. I have even set my alarm to watch a certain royal couple say their vows…..

The question I have is this. If we put people on levels of importance and we plan our schedules around their concert dates or appearances, why on earth do we not do the same for the Creator of the universe, who created those very same people and gave them the gifts and titles they have? God wants relationships with us. He didn’t break the agreement, He didn’t break the fellowship, He didn’t forget to show up. We did.

I recently came across a really good book I read years ago and that made me decide this is the post for the week. If anyone wants to borrow it, please let me know. I am sure the library would have a copy or you could put it on your birthday wish list. The book is called, Dinner With a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory. They even made a movie based on this book. I will not give away the storyline, but the author does a good job of making you think about the same question I pondered this week. What if Jesus sent you an invitation to have dinner with Him an evening this week? Would you show up? Would you take Him seriously? Would you ask any questions? The author does a great job of having you see Jesus in this century. I feel like so many times, God gets the time that is left over, if there is any time left over. We don’t schedule, plan or get excited to spend time with Him. He cares so much about our day to day lives. We somehow think, we only need to spend time with Him, if we need something or a holiday is coming up. We have His written word to read in many different translations, and we can afford to buy a copy in the one that suits us best. We can pray to Him at any given hour. He doesn’t take vacation or sleep. What if we put the effort into meeting with Him, as we did with meeting with people we deem important? Those same people who we would love seeing, but could care less if we were there. I am not saying, we shouldn’t do those types of things, I am just asking myself and you as well, do we spend near the amount of time with our Heavenly Father as we do with people who are here one day and gone the next? Do we spend time with God almighty? Do we really believe that the Holy Spirit dwells inside us? The same Holy Spirit that raises the dead?

We have every opportunity to spend time with Jesus, but do we? Whether we spend time with Him, or not, doesn’t make Him any less of who He is. It only affects us. I want to spend more and more time with Him, don’t you? He knows everything about you and still loves you, secrets and all, and He still loves you. He tries so many times to get our attentions, but do we notice. He gives us sunrises and sunsets everyday. He gives us things that are meant just for us, why because He knows every detail about us, even if we don’t tell Him. He created you and I. He didn’t create us as robots, but as living, breathing, in his image, human beings. We have the choice to make. His calendar is never too full and His timeslots never sell out.

 The author uses a verse in Revelation that I want to leave with you:

Revelation 3:20 – “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with me.”