Exodus 16:4 ~ The LORD said to Moses, “Look, I’m going to rain down food from heaven for you. Each day the people can go out and pick up as much food as they need for that day. I will test them in this to see whether or not they will follow my instructions.”
Exodus 16:13 That evening vast numbers of quail flew in and covered the camp. And the next morning the area around the camp was wet with dew. When the dew evaporated, a flaky substance as fine as frost blanketed the ground.
Today is Thursday, and as I was getting ready to start my day, I felt myself “remind” God, that I write my posts on Thursdays and I still don’t know what I am to write….Keep in mind, this is my 38th week and I have never been without a topic to write. The way the process works is beautiful and I have come to depend on it. This week, however, I only had bits and pieces and nothing really had come together yet. I decided I was going to trust Him and keep my eyes/ears on extra alert to make sure I knew what I was to write. To be honest, a bit of pride was creeping in with the thought of what if I don’t have anything….
As I came down the steps an hour earlier than usual, because we are having some work done in the house and the crew was coming early, I left the dog out and what I saw took my breath away and the thoughts simply flooded my soul. What I saw was tiny little raindrops of dew on each blade of grass that were highlighted by the early morning sunrise. If I had waited to come down an hour later, I would have missed it. As if that wasn’t enough, I turned my head towards the stream and yes, there were two ducks swimming peacefully up the stream. You see, God knows I have a thing for ducks. I always have and I always will. They are right up there with dogs for me. Those ducks were an extra gift meant just for me.
The two Mallard ducks swimming up the stream.
The Lord reminded me the children of Israel were to gather each morning the manna they needed for that day. It came with the morning dew. When the dew dried off, the manna was left. They were to gather as much as they needed for one day. God provided, but they had to physically do their part.
Are their times in our lives where we want to know the whole picture or plan before we start? Are their times you hear what might happen and so you focus on that and wonder how you will ever get through that or hear of something someone else is going through and you say to yourself, “I could never do that, I am not strong like they are”? Well, I have news for you, God doesn’t expect you to! He has you go through it day by day and gives you just the right amount of strength for that day. He knows that some things would be way too much for us to handle all at once, but day by day, we can do it through Him. We also need to come to Him each day for the guidance, grace, mercy, forgiveness, you name it, needed for that day.
While leaning on the fence post to take my pictures, I was also reminded that wherever the morning sun shone, the prettier the dew was. It stood out more. I stood there in the quietness of the morning and just smiled. You see, don’t we look prettier when His Son shines through us, then when we try to stand on our own? The sun made things look so peaceful and enjoyable, and I think when we allow the SON to shine in us, the same thing could be said by others about us. We are more enjoyable to be around and we have a sense of peace this world and all the money in it, can’t buy.
I hated to leave, but my day was off to a start. For those few moments I felt so close to God. He also reminded me, He never leaves and He will be there or wherever I need Him. It is up to me to make time for Him. Day by day.
I walked away amazed and then asked for forgiveness for being amazed. Why you ask? I had no reason to be amazed. I had just prayed that He would show me what to write and in a matter of minutes I had the entire thing. I had watched and waited all week, nothing, so I started to doubt and worry what to write. Even though, He has always given me something to write. I still doubted. He tells me in His Word, He hears me when I pray, He wants to give me what I need, when I need it. So, then why should I be amazed…because with all my faults and sinful nature, He never tires of me and still knows me personally and does things just to make me smile and trust Him more than I did before.
Today, I sort of felt like no matter what comes my way, We got this ~ He and I. I received some manna today. I didn’t bake it or boil it, I left it seep into my soul. He really does provide each day, just what I need. I just need to do my part and show up. What are you trusting Him to provide daily for you? What is your needed manna right now?
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