Boundaries: What types of thoughts come to mind when you see that word? Maybe they remind you of sporting events and you need to stay within the boundary line for the game to continue. Maybe it marks property you own. Maybe you think of a line and you aren’t allowed to cross it. Or maybe it reminds you if you stay within the boundary you will be safe.
This week I have been babysitting my chickens in the evenings. We had to re-seed a small portion of our yard for new grass. Chickens and straw do not go well together. If they see it, they want to immediately scratch it up and there goes the new seed. So, I need to sit outside in the evening for about an hour, because that is all I can handle, and watch that they don’t cross the boundary. While sitting there last night with my trusted guard dog, and yes, chasing a few chickens, I was reminded that God gives me boundaries. The question I pondered, which help the time go by faster was, “how do I handle the boundaries I am given?”
Am I content with the lines God has drawn, or am I like a few of the chickens. Some will stay really close to the gate/fence and be very happy there. They feel safe. Some will venture out a bit further in search of their favorite grass, clover. Still others will go as far out as they can, without getting in the straw. Then there are about 2 or 3 out of 29 that need to cross the boundary and run in the straw. Hmmmmm do I do that with God!? He has given me His Word and the Holy Spirit to warn me when I am getting too close to trouble. I know the boundary lines. I know what happens when I cross them. I know that they are there for my safety. Yet, I still sometimes cross them. Do I feel better once I do? No, it seemed better at the time, but once done, I wish I hadn’t. Then I thought about my reaction to the chickens when they got in the straw. Did I make chicken soup for dinner after catching a few in the straw… I simply picked them up and put them back where they needed to be. My heavenly Father does the same thing. I am sure there are times it seems I just am not going to learn and day after day, He needs to help me back. Just like a few of the chickens still want to cross the straw. It doesn’t matter that they have a TON of fresh green grass all over the place. It matters that the straw is different and looks fun to play in. It matters that I sit there and make them turn around. They would run out of daylight if they ate in the boundary area of grass, but they still want to see what the straw is all about. Sounds like the Garden of Eden. Sounds like me. Does it sound like you?
God has given us so much. It takes more than a lifetime to explore it. I have never heard of anyone who right before they died, said “you know, I traveled it all, explored it all, saw it all, did it all, so now I will die”. Yet, we still complain if we can’t have something or do something that someone else has. The cats and dog can walk across the grass just fine, but the chickens will ruin it, so for them, it is off limits.
My boundaries might not be your boundaries. God has them special designed for each of us. Then He also has some universal boundaries that are for all of us. The Garden of Eden is a perfect example. Adam and Eve had ALL they ever needed and on top of it they got evening visits with God! Yet, tell them they can’t have one item in the entire garden and you know what, they believed the lie they needed it and that what would happen as a result was simply not going to happen. I don’t think Eve could fathom what all that one decision would cause, yet, she still did it. We live today with the consequences. The bible gives us His commandments and teachings. When we don’t follow them, we are sinning. He also gives each of us a set of boundaries to keep us from sinning in addition to His commandments. He knows our strengths and our weaknesses. Some places, movies, activities, TV shows, lifestyles may work for some, but for others it would cause them to stumble and fall.
So, I leave you with this final thought. What boundaries do you have? Are you staying within them and do you realize the boundaries are there for your safety and well-being? What consequences are you willing to take or pass down to cross those boundaries. For every choice we make has a consequence, good or bad. Boundaries are there for a reason. Rather than wishing we had what was on the other side, lets start accepting and understanding why they are there and enjoy life within the boundaries. Are you feeling as though you are already outside looking in? Just confess it to Him and raise your arms, He is waiting and willing to pick you up and place you back in fold. That is what a Shepherd does for his flock.
Guard Dog helping keep watch....
Those that are just beside the fence, but not in the straw.
She liked the safety of the gate.
Small area of straw and seed that grab their attention.
Tons of clover.
They love to eat this!
More to pick from, but notice only one eating within the boundary....
Still within boundary, but hoping for a chance at the straw when I am not looking.
When I left for a few minutes, three tried to get into the straw....
Working on a plan to distract me and the dog, so they can make a run for the straw!!!
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