Thursday, December 26, 2013

Winter Wonderland

I have decided this week's post will be a photo shoot. I took time last week when we still had snow to take a walk and capture some of the closeups of Nature at it's finest. An hour went by quickly as I walked through the freshly fallen snow. I also took pictures right after we had an ice storm. I trust you had a great Christmas and now a new year is about to begin. Time goes by so quickly. I hope this week finds you enjoying the season of life you are in and that you are able to spend time with the ones you love. 

I love the close up detail of the morning frost that I was able to capture on this one. When you look out across a field, it just looks white, but to capture a closeup of it, makes you catch your breath. It could be just a frozen mass. It looks almost like white fern leaves.

Not sure what type plant this was, but the way the ice hung on every detail caught my eye.

 This bluebird just sat while the snow continued to fall. He was so pretty to watch.
 More frost closeups.

Pasture looked so peaceful, you can see a bit of the steam coming off the stream.

 Mrs. Bluebird looking as if to say "what are you lookin at?"
 Mr. Bluebird saying "enough pictures already!"

After an ice storm I loved how everything had icicles hanging from them.

 As if the snow and ice weren't beautiful enough, the sun started to break through the clouds and magnified the detail even more.

Enjoy your last week of 2013!!

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