Saturday, January 4, 2014


Who is that? Some of you may never have had of him. Some of you briefly heard of him, but rushed right past him to get to the next set of verses. We find him on the pages of Luke's gospel. I remember hearing in years past that he spoke words to Mary and Joseph, but that was about it. Until this year. Our pastor spoke of him last week for our sermon. I have not been able to shake him from my thoughts.

I know the past few posts have had a Christmas theme and this week, I will end that pattern with one more character scripture gives us in the birth of Christ. We tend to stop reading after the shepherds and angels but Simeon and Anna also gave testimony this was the Christ. For those of you unfamiliar or needing a refresher, he was a man who was very devout and righteous in God's eyes. I picture him older, but scripture doesn't say his age. He was filled with the Holy Spirit and had been told, that he would not die until he had seen the Lord's Messiah. Now, remember our setting last week with Christmas. I can't stress enough that the children of Israel, God's chosen people, had not heard from God for 400 years. The prophets were silent. The Israelites held onto the "hope" of a Savior, a King, to rescue them. Simeon had been filled with the Spirit and knew he would not die until he saw this long awaited Savior. Imagine every day going to the temple, watching every male child enter, as the parents came to give their offering to God, for their first born son. "Is that him? He is coming today Lord? How will I know?" Silence. Each day you go home and you wonder if you misunderstood the promise. You are getting older, yet, no sign.

Then one day, as you sit at your table, the Holy Spirit stirs in you, to go to the temple and to that couple. "That couple? The poor and young couple? The couple who can only offer turtledoves? They can't afford a lamb? That couple?" Yes, that couple. So, he approaches and not only sees the child, but holds the child. You immediately know this is the child. Every doubt you had is washed away and you are so confident this is the correct baby, that you even say, I can die in peace now that I have seen your salvation!

I can't even begin to think what Mary and Joseph thought. A complete stranger coming up to them from the crowds of people and saying the words of praise and foretelling of what his future would be. A side note, as Simeon was talking Anna came along also gave testimony, you can read that too. That isn't what my post is about. I want to focus on Simeon and what stuck with me. I had to give you the background. If you want to read it for yourself, you will find it in Luke 2:25-35.

Simeon had been promised something by God. Yet, each passing day/year(we don't know how long he waited) the promise wasn't filled. Have you been promised something? Do you feel God has directed you somewhere, but now that you are there, it doesn't seem right? Do you feel like doubt is creeping in? Are you losing hope that God will fulfill what you really believed to be true? Are you saying Simeon was able to know and continue on because he had the Holy Spirit?

Wait a minute. If you have received Christ, you have the Holy Spirit too!The same Holy Spirit. Do we give the Holy Spirit the credit He is do? Do we wait and ask each day, what we are to do? Do we ask for His guidance and His strength? I am sad to say, I sometimes go about my day forgetting this very important thing!

Simeon knew when he saw the child he was the correct one. He knew because he was open and fully relying on the Holy Spirit. He was committed to serving God. He had to walk closely to God to be able to know without a doubt, he was to go. He also had to be walking closely to know that when the Holy Spirit led, he was to follow. He kept living life, but was always ready and waiting for the promise to be fulfilled. Did you catch, when the Savior did come, he wasn't even at the temple, he was led by the Spirit to go, so that he would be there, when the child arrived. Don't you know God was smiling as Simeon's eyes fell on the child. You see, God knew all along the time table, but Simeon didn't, yet he never gave up hope. That doesn't just happen over night.

We  have started a new year with new beginnings, but we have some things promised to us from last year that will come along in the new year. As we packed up our Christmas decorations and our Nativity sets, and put them in boxes for next year, did we do the same with Jesus? Do we put Him in a box? Do we expect Him to do certain things and if not, well then, we tried and we move on to do it our way? Only going back to him once a year or so. Are we letting the Holy Spirit do the work he has promised to do in our lives or do we only do that when we fail?

I love new things. I love new years. I love a clean slate sorta feeling. As we approach this new year, please be open to the way God may be getting ready to fulfill some of the things he has promised you. I recently saw a quote that I want to with you and may it encourage you as well.

"Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above and says, "relax Sweetheart, it is just a bend, not the end!"

This year if you feel like you are still praying, still waiting, losing hope in a situation please remember Simeon. He had to wait to see his promise filled, but once filled, he could say with truth, that he was ready to die. There wasn't anything more he needed to see or do! He knew the Savior had arrived. Also, our God, is the God of hope. We will have many turns and "bends" in this new year. They will not make sense, and some will be a pretty sharp bend, but with the grace of God, we will make it.  When you feel tired and weak, reach out to him. He will never let go, we sometimes try to let go, but remember our names are written on the palm of his Hand. He has not forgotten you and his promises, but have you forgotten him? It's a new year with new beginnings, you couldn't find a better time or way to start the new year. He is knocking, but you need to open the door so the Holy Spirit can enter in. Just like the famous painting of Jesus knocking on the door. I love that there isn't a doorknob painted on the door. He will never open the door or force himself on you, He is a gentleman and will wait for you to open the door and let him in. Just as you are. Once you do, you will have the same Holy Spirit that was in Simeon and in me! My prayer is that you will do just that!

Blessings in the New Year!

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