Friday, January 24, 2014


This week has been very cold where I live. We also received snow. This pattern seemed to start earlier this year and so while it is still January I found that this most recent snow storm didn't seem to excite me as much as previous ones. I was tired of putting on the layers. I was tired of being stuck inside. I was tired of letting the dog out and having to watch she didn't run off. My chickens hate the cold and their water keeps freezing. I really wasn't looking forward to yet another snow storm. Did I mention, there is more on the way? But that was before Tuesday. On Tuesday, I kept looking out the window to see if it was still snowing. I keep watching to make sure it hadn't stopped because it looked so beautiful. Really, I didn't want it to stop?! Yup, I have always deep down inside loved to watch it snow. But this past snow storm, I did something different. I took pup for a walk during the snow storm. I bundled up and took her for a run. She does better in the house if she gets to go outside and play for a bit. It makes for much better family time if this happens. I have done this since she came to our home. I have done it barefoot. I have done it in flip-flops. I have done it in sneakers, sneakers with socks, and now boots. She doesn't care the temp. She just wants to play in whatever weather. I have even done it in the rain!

So on Tuesday, while all others I am sure where inside, whether working or drinking hot chocolate I was walking with my dog. At first my attitude wasn't very good. I was just going to go for 20 minutes. As I headed back the trail that she has come to know as "her" path, I began to warm up inside. I realized for the first time in a long time just how beautiful snowflakes can be. They are so light they blow and swirl all around. They stick to one another and after time pile up. As my boots pushed through the snow I realized how light and powdery this snow was. It made walking easier. The trees were covered. I was now approaching my path to the secret garden I have written about in the past. As I looked ahead I was struck by the fact that it looked so different now. I was also struck by the thought, that it was still my secret place, snow wouldn't change that. I also had this question swirling in my mind as the flakes kept hitting my face. Why don't I get as excited about snow coming down and covering the ground as I do when the wildflowers bloom? It is still a beautiful area. And the question that spoke the loudest in my heart was, the same God that gives me spring flowers also is giving me this quiet time away with him and he is showering me with snow. His snow. They are both gifts. Yet, I received them differently. In the spring, it seems so much prettier. It reminds me summer is coming. How many winters have I hoped would pass quickly because I don't care much for the cold and snow? Yet, aren't they still gifts? How many people in the world have never seen snow for themselves? As I stepped off the path into the evergreen trees and saw the way the branches hung down with the snow, I realized something. It was quiet. So very quiet. I didn't hear the songbirds singing, I didn't see squirrels running. I didn't hear leaves blowing. I only saw the flakes coming down and it seemed to be getting heavier. It was so peaceful. And, the wind? Where was the wind? It was outside the evergreen trees. Their large heavy branches protected me from the wind. So much so, I didn't even need my hood anymore. You see, God is still there in the winter. I had come to think that my flower garden was a special time during spring and summer. But God reminded me that He is just as much a part of winter. In the winter months, I must stay inside more, but doesn't that give me time to get things done that I am too busy to do in the summer? So it snowed and school was closed for a few days, didn't I get to spend time with  my teenage daughters? Because the roads were bad, I was able to have family meals again because everyone was home! We also got to watch several movies together in the evenings because the kids didn't have to go to work.

As I looked out across the fields I saw the snow that was starting to drift. It looked like the sand dunes on the west coast, except it was all snow. I didn't see cold, wind, snow, I saw beauty that my Creator had made. I need to enjoy all His creation. Not just my favorites. He is with me through all seasons of life. You and I may not like the current season we are in, but that doesn't make Him less real or far away. That is our doing, not His. When we are starting new things or He shows us new things we are excited and looking for Him, kind of like spring time. But when things make us feel scared, alone, frustrated or depressed, we somehow believe Satan's lie, that He finally left us. He finally had enough and He is not here. Or an even bigger lie, we finally screwed up to badly, that He stopped loving us. But when I stepped in the woods and felt the snowflakes brush my face to the point they almost tickled my nose, and I felt the warm of the trees because the wind couldn't get through and I saw the pure white snow, I felt so close to Him, as though I could reach out and touch Him. I turned in circles and simply laughed and smiled! I almost missed this because I was tired of snow and the cold. It was still winter, but it felt like Spring!

I also was reminded that I am now whiter than snow because I have been washed in the blood of Jesus. If you look at freshly fallen snow, you will agree that you can't get white, any whiter than that. I, a sinner, am whiter than snow. He loves and cleanses me. I am perfect in His sight, because of His Son.

One final thought, you and I are like the snowflakes. No two are alike. Look closely at them. Each one has its own unique pattern. So do you and I. God has made us that way.

I will close my post with some pictures I have taken since Tuesday. I hope you are able to enjoy the snow rather than complain about it. It really is a matter of choosing to look at it differently. We may be walking on a path right now that doesn't feel very close to God. We may even wonder where He is? But if we look up, we just may see some flakes starting to fall, getting ready to "wash us whiter than snow". Everything that He allows to happen in our life, whether we want them or not, are for a greater purpose. We may never see it or understand it, but it is all part of the unique plan He has for each one of us. Just as unique as a snowflake. You are not a mistake or in the wrong time of history, you are just where He wants you and needs you.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Seven Days. Seven Sunrises. Seven Sunsets.

Today as I sit in front of my computer I have mixed feelings. I don't have one specific topic in mind. My mind is filled with all the things that have happened this week. Seven days. Seven sunrises. Seven sunsets. Countless loads of laundry and countless miles on the road. I was reminded this week of the blessings we all receive each and every day. If we have breath in our lungs and blood flowing through our bodies and we feel a pulse, we are blessed. I am not depressed or overwhelmed, but my eyes have been opened this week to the hurting. The hurting that I hurry past each day. The hurting who share what is happening in their lives, but I am only listening with one ear while pondering what I need to do next. The hurting that I can't physically help. The hurting I pray I never experience what they have.

This past week, I have heard about a person who after months of recovery and given a thumbs up to return to work, to only have days later have another accident that requires more surgery and months of recovery lay ahead again. I had several friends who had doctor appointments with specialists this week to try and see why they have certain symptoms and to physically feel better. Some may and some may not be able to find relief, some may have their lives forever changed to a new "normal". I have heard from a friend that someone she knew had suffered a miscarriage. Someone else was having surgery this week. Yet, another was waiting for a room to open up at the hospital so they could have testing done.

The final blow to me that has caused me to reflect so much on this, a friend from softball days was killed in a car accident. I had not seen him in four years. Yet, his death has overwhelmed me this week. He was close to my age. He was traveling a road I travel. I will pass the accident site. My daughter just saw him two days prior. He got up and started his day and hours later he was gone. His daughter will graduate in a few months, with no dad to cheer her on. He won't be there to walk her down the isle. The list could go on and on. I come away with a few thoughts. The hurting will always be among us. One week, it will be our turn. People often ask, "how can a loving God do this?" "Why is this happening to me?"

When going to the hospital to visit someone this week, I realized how full the parking garage was. I am sure each person there was visiting a patient that was having some type physical issue. There is more than one hospital in the town I live in.  The wife of the person killed has three children to finish raising by herself. She will have the empty chair at the table to remind her each day, he isn't coming home. His car will no longer be in the garage. She will have many, many, things to adjust to. She didn't have a chance to say good-bye. I think that is the part I am most stuck on. Do I realize that each day, when I say good-bye to someone, it may be the last good-bye or do I always assume we have time? My heart hurts for her. I can't imagine how she feels or even what to say.

Which sometimes is the best thing to say, nothing. To simply listen. To simply agree this stinks that it is happening. To let them sob with tears and simply offer a tissue or embrace, because crying is all we can do. To simply be there for them. They don't need us to fix it as much as they need us to understand it. We want to explain it to them, but we can't. I think we sometimes want to say, "God has this", "It will be okay", "God has plans for you" Really, his plan is to see me hurting? My favorite of all time is "God won't give you more than you can handle". But friend, He will. He will give you more than you can handle, for you see, when it is more than you can handle He shows up and shows us what we can do with Him. We need to remember that with Him all things are possible. So if we include Him and ask His help in ALL things, then the impossible is possible. We need to fully trust and rely and ask his help. Some of the items that I heard this week and listed above, I know how the individual feels. I don't know all of the examples I gave, but when we survive the difficult stuff we walk away changed. We would never sign up for it, nor do we ever want it to happen to us, but if and when it does, we will be able to say something positive came from it. It may take years, but God is able to take a mess or devastation he has allowed and make it better. Each thing that happens to us, is part of the story God is writing for us. We only hear the good things he has planned for us. Then when the stuff that makes us trust him more, or the stuff that makes us grow the most happens, we put our hands over our ears and run. We can become angry and even turn our backs on him. But He has told us from the beginning that things in this world will not be fair. It is a fallen world. Not a perfect world. But praise God, He has not left us to ourselves. He is our constant companion. He has the map and knows the way. He sees the mountains and the valleys before us. And He isn't afraid of heights or depths. He isn't afraid of death. He has overcome them all and is waiting to help us. I firmly believe that when we cry, He cries. How do you explain a miscarriage or death of a spouse/parent a positive thing! You don't. You can't. But when things happen to us, we can't stop loving Him because they have.

The other thing I have been reminded of this week, is to be thankful. I have posted before about thankfulness. I won't repeat myself. But those days when I wake up and get out of bed and start my day, I want to be glad I can. Days that I have piles of laundry I want to be glad I have a family who needs taking care of. Days my husband comes home late from work and I had supper all ready, but now it is getting reheated...I will be grateful he came home alive.

I want to close my blog today with a story that happened several years ago. I was sharing in a bible study with a small group about how it drives me crazy that my husband can't put the newspaper in the trash when he is finished reading it. I explained how I read it during the day and when he comes home, he is the last to read it. I even explained that not only does he not throw it out, but he folds it and lays it on the counter top right above the trash can! I will never forget what happened next. An older woman off to my side, quietly said in a kind voice, I understand what you are saying, but I wish I still had my husband to leave the paper out.....She taught me a valuable lesson that day. We aren't grateful for the health and love ones in our lives. They can be quickly taken away with no warning, as I found out this week. Take time to enjoy life. Take time to enjoy those around you. When you have a rough day or stressful things happen, don't beat yourself up. Bad things happen, they will continue to happen, we can't stop them. How we handle them, now that we can change. Enjoy your loved ones this weekend. Enjoy your situation. Then go out and encourage someone who is having a rough time right now. Give them a hug they are needing. Buy them a cup of coffee and listen to what is weighing on their minds. Drive them to that doctor appointment and be sitting in the waiting room as they await results. Send that email that asks how they are doing or if they need anything. Make that meal they can put in the fridge and heat up later, because the idea of putting a meal together is more than they can comprehend right now. Most importantly, help them to not feel forgotten. When we are healthy we tend to "forget those that aren't". My eyes always fill with tears when I read in scripture that Christ would travel from town to town. The sick would come to him and sometimes he would heal them ALL!!!! Can you even imagine! You know they felt forgotten and unworthy of healing, until His eyes met theirs. Be encouragers this week, I know that there is someone in your circle who needs to feel loved and remembered today! Also, remember, all the items I listed above was just this past week. One week. Seven days, seven sunrises, seven sunsets. ***On a side note, I smile now when I see the newspaper laying on the counter, I don't even mention it anymore.....

Saturday, January 11, 2014


This week I have been busy cleaning and reorganizing cupboards and cabinets. I have been cleaning them top to bottom. I have been checking dates on cans that seem to get pushed to the back. I have been looking through containers and storage bins and deciding what to keep, what to trash, and what to give away. I am an organizer by nature. If a home or office needed organized, my brain can look at a situation and right away I start seeing ways to put things together. If it hasn't been used in three years, it isn't going to be used by you. I do the same with my clothing. It seems most winters I do this, but this year, I went shelf by shelf. I had my container of Clorox wipes and cleaned everything. It is such a great feeling to be able to open a door and see what is inside and not having to move things around to find what I am looking for. Everything is in its place. I got rid of stuff I didn't use anymore. Somethings were from years ago and I never used them. They just simply collected dust. Somethings had expired dates by 4 years. Somethings were used when our kids were small, but that need has past. I made three piles. Keeping, Giving, Trashing. It took several days, but  tonight I completed the task I set out to do this week.

While walking and praying about my blog this afternoon, still having no idea what to write, I asked the Lord to show me the post for today. I have come to not panic anymore when something doesn't come. It always does. So, why worry about it? Yet, it was Thursday and still nothing. As I made my last turn to come back home, I even turned my music off so I could clearly hear the words I was to hear. I didn't want to be distracted by the words my brain was listening. Within minutes, a smile came across my face. I knew. You see, my task wasn't complete, so I couldn't write about something that wasn't finished. I had to finish first.

While I have spent hours getting my home back in order, I have not spent hours taking inventory on my spiritual life.

I have been busy looking at what we have and what we need. My spice rack needed a good going through. Some had to be pitched. They were part of the four year expired list. They had expired and it showed. But we somehow pushed them back to the dark part of the cupboard. Two had even fallen down and a flashlight had to be used to see them. Some things had become dusty. They were still in good working order, but they had been neglected.

As I thought about my weekly post this evening, I realize that the same happens to our spiritual lives as to what happens to our homes. We get busy. It doesn't happen overnight. It is very gradual. There are things in my life that are still in day to day working order. I still take time to pray and try to read some part of scripture everyday. I volunteer my time. I share the good things that God is doing. But then there are parts that have been pushed to the back part. The part no one sees. You know, the words you should have said, the opportunities you passed on and now regret. The words that were said in fun to you, except you didn't find any fun in them. Now you carry hurt and anger whenever you see that person. You decide if you don't think about them, they will go away. Most days you can ignore them. But then one day, you realize you are starting patterns you don't like. You are sensitive in areas that didn't bother you before. The phone has stopped ringing, because people are tired of always getting a no or maybe later, but later never comes. I won't even list all the "good intentions" and when I have more time items.

Then out of the blue Someone comes along and gentle and quietly He shines a light inside that only you and He can see. For you see, He could see all along. He knew and knows the reason for your response. He knows why it is tucked away. But today is cleaning day. Enough is enough. He doesn't like to see you hide anymore. He doesn't like the downcast face. He wants to make things right again. All that needs to be done is to admit it is there, regret that it is there and ask for a change. It will come. It will take awhile, but it will come. Also, with change, we need to decide are some of the things we are doing worth keeping. If so, look at them with renewed energy and commitment to keep going. Some things need to be shared with others. You may have been more involved in areas that no longer require your involvement because you have moved on and God has something else for you. You may  need to resign from a spot that you just held on tightly too, because of the attention it gave you, when really your heart isn't in it and you need to make that spot available for someone else God has waiting. Or maybe He is asking you to share the things you have learned and accepted about yourself, to share with others. Then there are things we simply need to trash. Bad habits. Unkind words. Jealousy. Envy. Laziness. Fear. Doubt. The list could go on. The expiration date has come and gone. You have been carry them long enough.

Just as we need to take inventory on our homes, businesses and investments, so we need to take inventory on our spiritual walk. I am not perfect. I will never be perfect here on earth. But there are things in my life that need to be kept and treasured in my life. There are things I am holding on to, but really I need to share with others. Then there are things I am going to need to get rid of. I need to realize that holding on to them will only make clutter in my life. I may never get that apology I have been waiting years for. They may never change and waiting only hurts you because they see no need to change.  You want them to like you for who you are but nothing seems to change. I simply need to let go.

The last observation I had was once I went through my stuff, I found I now have room for new stuff. No, I am not going out on a shopping spree (however a few spices will be purchased), but I now have room for change and new things. When we unload and sort through our relationship with Christ, we will find the same is true. We will be more open to what He is saying and offering. We will see things differently, if we aren't so bogged down with unnecessary stuff. One of Satan's best tricks/ lies is to have us distracted. For if we are distracted we can't focus on Christ now can we? Examples of distractions: worry, doubt, fear, not being good enough, etc.

I know my house will get cluttered soon. I am okay with that. I want to live in a home that looks lived in. But for the time, I will enjoy it and try harder to not let things get so far behind. I want to be more aware of what I have pushed back in the dark places. If it isn't being used, I need to find another place for it. The same can be said of my relationship with Christ. If I am not being used by him, I need to ask why. My relationship with Him should be changing and improving. Is it different than it was a year ago? Do I have things to share if asked or are all my examples years old? That shouldn't be. What if every time you got with friends, all they spoke of was, "remember when we were little or when we first met".... They never talked about current stuff. Only when you first met, years and years ago. That is the same with Christ, we need to take inventory and see what is there. What is happening and why are we at the place we are.

I need to take inventory, how about you? Remember three key words:

Saturday, January 4, 2014


Who is that? Some of you may never have had of him. Some of you briefly heard of him, but rushed right past him to get to the next set of verses. We find him on the pages of Luke's gospel. I remember hearing in years past that he spoke words to Mary and Joseph, but that was about it. Until this year. Our pastor spoke of him last week for our sermon. I have not been able to shake him from my thoughts.

I know the past few posts have had a Christmas theme and this week, I will end that pattern with one more character scripture gives us in the birth of Christ. We tend to stop reading after the shepherds and angels but Simeon and Anna also gave testimony this was the Christ. For those of you unfamiliar or needing a refresher, he was a man who was very devout and righteous in God's eyes. I picture him older, but scripture doesn't say his age. He was filled with the Holy Spirit and had been told, that he would not die until he had seen the Lord's Messiah. Now, remember our setting last week with Christmas. I can't stress enough that the children of Israel, God's chosen people, had not heard from God for 400 years. The prophets were silent. The Israelites held onto the "hope" of a Savior, a King, to rescue them. Simeon had been filled with the Spirit and knew he would not die until he saw this long awaited Savior. Imagine every day going to the temple, watching every male child enter, as the parents came to give their offering to God, for their first born son. "Is that him? He is coming today Lord? How will I know?" Silence. Each day you go home and you wonder if you misunderstood the promise. You are getting older, yet, no sign.

Then one day, as you sit at your table, the Holy Spirit stirs in you, to go to the temple and to that couple. "That couple? The poor and young couple? The couple who can only offer turtledoves? They can't afford a lamb? That couple?" Yes, that couple. So, he approaches and not only sees the child, but holds the child. You immediately know this is the child. Every doubt you had is washed away and you are so confident this is the correct baby, that you even say, I can die in peace now that I have seen your salvation!

I can't even begin to think what Mary and Joseph thought. A complete stranger coming up to them from the crowds of people and saying the words of praise and foretelling of what his future would be. A side note, as Simeon was talking Anna came along also gave testimony, you can read that too. That isn't what my post is about. I want to focus on Simeon and what stuck with me. I had to give you the background. If you want to read it for yourself, you will find it in Luke 2:25-35.

Simeon had been promised something by God. Yet, each passing day/year(we don't know how long he waited) the promise wasn't filled. Have you been promised something? Do you feel God has directed you somewhere, but now that you are there, it doesn't seem right? Do you feel like doubt is creeping in? Are you losing hope that God will fulfill what you really believed to be true? Are you saying Simeon was able to know and continue on because he had the Holy Spirit?

Wait a minute. If you have received Christ, you have the Holy Spirit too!The same Holy Spirit. Do we give the Holy Spirit the credit He is do? Do we wait and ask each day, what we are to do? Do we ask for His guidance and His strength? I am sad to say, I sometimes go about my day forgetting this very important thing!

Simeon knew when he saw the child he was the correct one. He knew because he was open and fully relying on the Holy Spirit. He was committed to serving God. He had to walk closely to God to be able to know without a doubt, he was to go. He also had to be walking closely to know that when the Holy Spirit led, he was to follow. He kept living life, but was always ready and waiting for the promise to be fulfilled. Did you catch, when the Savior did come, he wasn't even at the temple, he was led by the Spirit to go, so that he would be there, when the child arrived. Don't you know God was smiling as Simeon's eyes fell on the child. You see, God knew all along the time table, but Simeon didn't, yet he never gave up hope. That doesn't just happen over night.

We  have started a new year with new beginnings, but we have some things promised to us from last year that will come along in the new year. As we packed up our Christmas decorations and our Nativity sets, and put them in boxes for next year, did we do the same with Jesus? Do we put Him in a box? Do we expect Him to do certain things and if not, well then, we tried and we move on to do it our way? Only going back to him once a year or so. Are we letting the Holy Spirit do the work he has promised to do in our lives or do we only do that when we fail?

I love new things. I love new years. I love a clean slate sorta feeling. As we approach this new year, please be open to the way God may be getting ready to fulfill some of the things he has promised you. I recently saw a quote that I want to with you and may it encourage you as well.

"Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above and says, "relax Sweetheart, it is just a bend, not the end!"

This year if you feel like you are still praying, still waiting, losing hope in a situation please remember Simeon. He had to wait to see his promise filled, but once filled, he could say with truth, that he was ready to die. There wasn't anything more he needed to see or do! He knew the Savior had arrived. Also, our God, is the God of hope. We will have many turns and "bends" in this new year. They will not make sense, and some will be a pretty sharp bend, but with the grace of God, we will make it.  When you feel tired and weak, reach out to him. He will never let go, we sometimes try to let go, but remember our names are written on the palm of his Hand. He has not forgotten you and his promises, but have you forgotten him? It's a new year with new beginnings, you couldn't find a better time or way to start the new year. He is knocking, but you need to open the door so the Holy Spirit can enter in. Just like the famous painting of Jesus knocking on the door. I love that there isn't a doorknob painted on the door. He will never open the door or force himself on you, He is a gentleman and will wait for you to open the door and let him in. Just as you are. Once you do, you will have the same Holy Spirit that was in Simeon and in me! My prayer is that you will do just that!

Blessings in the New Year!