So on Tuesday, while all others I am sure where inside, whether working or drinking hot chocolate I was walking with my dog. At first my attitude wasn't very good. I was just going to go for 20 minutes. As I headed back the trail that she has come to know as "her" path, I began to warm up inside. I realized for the first time in a long time just how beautiful snowflakes can be. They are so light they blow and swirl all around. They stick to one another and after time pile up. As my boots pushed through the snow I realized how light and powdery this snow was. It made walking easier. The trees were covered. I was now approaching my path to the secret garden I have written about in the past. As I looked ahead I was struck by the fact that it looked so different now. I was also struck by the thought, that it was still my secret place, snow wouldn't change that. I also had this question swirling in my mind as the flakes kept hitting my face. Why don't I get as excited about snow coming down and covering the ground as I do when the wildflowers bloom? It is still a beautiful area. And the question that spoke the loudest in my heart was, the same God that gives me spring flowers also is giving me this quiet time away with him and he is showering me with snow. His snow. They are both gifts. Yet, I received them differently. In the spring, it seems so much prettier. It reminds me summer is coming. How many winters have I hoped would pass quickly because I don't care much for the cold and snow? Yet, aren't they still gifts? How many people in the world have never seen snow for themselves? As I stepped off the path into the evergreen trees and saw the way the branches hung down with the snow, I realized something. It was quiet. So very quiet. I didn't hear the songbirds singing, I didn't see squirrels running. I didn't hear leaves blowing. I only saw the flakes coming down and it seemed to be getting heavier. It was so peaceful. And, the wind? Where was the wind? It was outside the evergreen trees. Their large heavy branches protected me from the wind. So much so, I didn't even need my hood anymore. You see, God is still there in the winter. I had come to think that my flower garden was a special time during spring and summer. But God reminded me that He is just as much a part of winter. In the winter months, I must stay inside more, but doesn't that give me time to get things done that I am too busy to do in the summer? So it snowed and school was closed for a few days, didn't I get to spend time with my teenage daughters? Because the roads were bad, I was able to have family meals again because everyone was home! We also got to watch several movies together in the evenings because the kids didn't have to go to work.
As I looked out across the fields I saw the snow that was starting to drift. It looked like the sand dunes on the west coast, except it was all snow. I didn't see cold, wind, snow, I saw beauty that my Creator had made. I need to enjoy all His creation. Not just my favorites. He is with me through all seasons of life. You and I may not like the current season we are in, but that doesn't make Him less real or far away. That is our doing, not His. When we are starting new things or He shows us new things we are excited and looking for Him, kind of like spring time. But when things make us feel scared, alone, frustrated or depressed, we somehow believe Satan's lie, that He finally left us. He finally had enough and He is not here. Or an even bigger lie, we finally screwed up to badly, that He stopped loving us. But when I stepped in the woods and felt the snowflakes brush my face to the point they almost tickled my nose, and I felt the warm of the trees because the wind couldn't get through and I saw the pure white snow, I felt so close to Him, as though I could reach out and touch Him. I turned in circles and simply laughed and smiled! I almost missed this because I was tired of snow and the cold. It was still winter, but it felt like Spring!
I also was reminded that I am now whiter than snow because I have been washed in the blood of Jesus. If you look at freshly fallen snow, you will agree that you can't get white, any whiter than that. I, a sinner, am whiter than snow. He loves and cleanses me. I am perfect in His sight, because of His Son.
One final thought, you and I are like the snowflakes. No two are alike. Look closely at them. Each one has its own unique pattern. So do you and I. God has made us that way.
I will close my post with some pictures I have taken since Tuesday. I hope you are able to enjoy the snow rather than complain about it. It really is a matter of choosing to look at it differently. We may be walking on a path right now that doesn't feel very close to God. We may even wonder where He is? But if we look up, we just may see some flakes starting to fall, getting ready to "wash us whiter than snow". Everything that He allows to happen in our life, whether we want them or not, are for a greater purpose. We may never see it or understand it, but it is all part of the unique plan He has for each one of us. Just as unique as a snowflake. You are not a mistake or in the wrong time of history, you are just where He wants you and needs you.
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